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Well since Dino stayed the night at our place the both of us stayed up all night watching Disney movies.

"Noona have you seen those videos were they make pancake art?" He jumped on the couch and showed me on his phone

"Ahh those yeah I've seen that. Wanna try?" He nodded excitedly

Since the both of us can't leave the apartment and leave unnie alone I called Jaemin

"Ah Jaemin oppa can you go out and buy pancake mix please?"

"Sure no problem is that it? If you want I can bring some drinks"

"Is that okay with you? I don't want you to become my servant"

"Ayy come on your my little cousin it's my duty to protect you. -it's also my duty too-" I heard Bobby add

"Okay I'll take you offer oppa. Be safe!" He hummed and hanged up

After waiting for Jaemin oppa he knocked on the door and I quickly ran to it

"Here is your pancake mix and I bought you guys some ice tea" he handed me the bags and I passed it along to Dino

"Thanks oppa your the best!" I gave him a high five then he went back downstairs

"Alright let's make some pancakes!"

-moments later-


"Yes noona?"

"You didn't turn on the stove"

After a few hours of making pancakes the both of us were done.

"Unnie wake up and eat some breakfast" I shook her carefully . She woke up and I helped her get up.

"Oh Dino when did you get here?" Unnie asked while she sat at the table

"I was here since last night.." he explained what happened

"Next time be careful okay Lee Chan?" He nodded and started eating his Mickey Mouse pancakes

While I was eating my phone buzzed

From Vernon 😛❣️
Hey can you um..tell your bodyguards to let us in?

Before I could text back I got a message from Bobby

From Bobby 💪🏼
There's 12 boys here saying that they know you.

To Bobby💪🏼
Let them in their harmless

I opened the door to 12 somewhat frightened boys

"Your bodyguards are scary" Wonwoo said and sat down at the table

"Well that's because they're my cousins" I went back to eating my food

"Those are your cousins?! But they look like my age!" Jeonghan said

"Bobby is younger than you by 2 months but Jaemin is older than you by year" I explained

"Which one is which?" Hoshi asked

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now