❃ 21 ❃

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A promise is a promise right?

"Yah! Andrea get off me!" Currently I'm sitting on S.Coups I remained still and added more weight

"Um Andrea noona why are you sitting on Coups hyung?"-Dino

I pointed at Unnie and they looked her. She sighed and started talking

"I promised her she can beat up Seungcheol once she comes back from the island" they looked at me and I nodded

I can feel him struggling to get up I laughed to myself and made myself comfortable

He started mumbling something it sounded like he was counting down or something

"Yah what are-"  I was cut off by him getting up which caused me to fall on the ground

Well that hurts I think there's a bruise on my stomach now. I can't even get up dang he's that strong to send me flying to the ground

"I'm free!" I heard him scream the others were laughing. I wish I could laugh too but my stomach hurts

"Um Andrea you can get up now" Woozi said

"I want to get up too but I can't" I said it even hurts to talk

I flipped myself over so now I'm laying on my back so it doesn't add anymore pain

"Man are you that lazy to get up" Vernon said and pulled me up

"Ahh!" I screamed and fell back down

"Are you okay?" This time unnie was helping me get up

I shook my head she sat me down the couch all the guys were giving me worried looks especially S.Coups

"Lift your shirt up" unnie said

At first I didn't want to do it since the guys were there but in the end unnie ended up doing it for me

She lifted my shirt and I looked and saw there was a big bruise on the side

"Oh my gosh Andrea I'm so sorry" S.Coups said and started apologizing

"Oppa..its..okay" I said and told him to come close

I flicked his forehead and he gave me a look then realized that he deserved it

Unnie handed me an ice pack and I placed it on my side. It was time to eat dinner I was about to get up but I was pushed back down

"Dokyeom oppa what was that for?" I asked while trying to get up again

"No no I'm bringing your food to you so stay put arasso?" I nodded and he came back with food

I thanked him and started eating the others were eating together at the table so I felt pretty lonely

I pouted and looked at my food and ate little by little

"Aw why are you pouting?" I looked up and saw Hoshi

"I feel kinda lonely eating by myself" I said and looked back down

I heard giggle and then he sat next to me and pinched my cheek. I smiled and started eating

He was telling me some funny stories about him and the guys during their trainee days

"Hey ya know if you want there's actual videos of our trainee days on YouTube" he whispered

"Really?" He nodded

He told me the other website just incase I wanted to watch more. I got up carefully and headed to the kitchen

Lost Photo {Seventeen FanFic} #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now