Chapter 7 - Family Interrogation

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I walk to my front door, getting out my house keys to unlock the door. I'm greeted with the amazing scent of cooking chicken wafting through the house from the kitchen.

“Mom, I'm home.” I say as I walk into where I assume she is, the kitchen.

“Sweetie!” She grins kissing my cheek. I moan through a laugh, wiping off her pink lipstick from my cheek. “How was your friend's house?”

“Really good.” I nod with a shrug, throwing a piece of a chopped carrot she'd left on the cutting board into my mouth.

“I can't believe that! You've made a friend!” She nearly cries.

“Oh goodness, please stop Mom.” I laugh and she just waves her hand dismissively at me.

“Can't a mother be happy her son has finally made a friend? What's your friend's name, anyways?” She asks as she brings the pot of boiling pasta from the stove to drain it in the sink.

“Sabrina.” My mother nearly drops the pot in the sink, potentially burning herself.

“You have a girlfriend?!” She shrieks and I mentally face palm myself.

“She's not my girlfriend, Mom.” I grumble.

“I-I meant, you have a friend... and she's a girl.” Is it really that hard to process? I guess it is for me. Any other person wouldn't think much of it, but seeing as I've never had an actual friend, much less even talked to a girl besides my mom, sister, and grandmother, it is hard to believe.

“Yes, mother.” I laugh, and she goes back to draining the pasta. She doesn't hold back her bright smile and neither do I at the thought of Sabrina.

“Well, that's just wonderful honey! I'm very happy for you. Is she pretty?” I am not going to have this conversation with my mother.

“Mother...” I grumble again, this time blushing.

She is smirking, and I know what she is thinking.

“Alright, alright. Go get cleaned up, dinner will be ready in just a few minutes.” I nod as I bound to my room with my backpack in hand to change out of my clothes.

“Hey Marcel.” Gemma says as I pass her room she's just coming out of.

“Hey Gem.” I say as I kiss her cheek, jogging to my room.

I quickly change into a simple white t-shirt and one of the two pairs of basketball shorts I own. I don't play basketball, or any other sport, but they're comfortable, so I bought them to wear only around the house. I can't wear my slacks when I'm trying to be comfortable, can I?

I jog to the kitchen as I slip my phone into the pocket of my shorts when my mom calls us for dinner. Robin walks in the front door, just as I pass it to get to the dining room. He greets me shortly and I do the same kindly. He's a nice man, and is good to my mother. I just hate it when he gets home right as dinner's starting. I know he's a hard working man, but it worries me when I know it shouldn't. It's probably just my trust issues. I know he loves my mom very much, and that should count for all the trust I have in him.

I just don't want someone else hurting my mother, I don't think she can take another heartache. And especially not after nearly seven years of being together with Robin.

I sit myself at the table, next to Gemma as my mom is setting the always delicious meal on our plates.

“So, Marcel made a friend today.” Mom says as she finally sits after serving everyone else's plate, and then her own.

“Mother, please...” I moan. I had a feeling she'd start this up with everyone around to pester me.

“And she's a girl!” She squeals excitedly. The three pairs of eyes are on me, waiting for me to confirm.

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