Chapter 50 - Christmas Part II

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"Thank you Sabrina and Marcel!" Anne praises after she opens her gift that Marcel mainly is responsible for. I took the liberty of adding Marcel's name on the present's tag. I give her a warm 'you're welcome' while Marcel blushes next to me, unknowing that I added his name. His mother kisses his cheek, and he moans about it but returns the kiss sweetly.

Robin is next in my line of presents and he thanks me graciously for the ties and shirt, commenting that he needed them.

Gemma's turn comes and she says she loves what we got her, pulling me and her brother into a tight and small group hug.

Niall is after and I got him a pair of obnoxiously green boxers with white clovers printed all over, and his reaction is a loud, contagious laugh. I also got him real gifts, like some shirts he commented he liked when we'd gone to the mall. Jade's present was a nice tartan dress from Topshop, and also a trip to the store with me, Eleanor and Perrie. I knew she'd like that.

Zayn rips open his bag eagerly, almost throwing a fit that he was last, though he wasn't even last. He crushed me in a hug for getting him the stupid video game he'd been dying for and a few shirts he 'hinted' that he liked. In reality, he told me he liked the shirts and to get them for him for Christmas.

And now, Marcel. He gives me a look when I hand a perfectly wrapped box with a cute silver bow topping it and in return, I give him an adorable smile in hopes to use my cuteness to sway him. It works, and he laughs with a shake of his head as he tears the wrapping paper off the box.

As he lifts the top of the box, I squeal a little, hoping and praying he likes it. The first things inside are a forest green colored beanie and a black beanie of the same kind. He smiles widely, before moving to what's underneath. I saw him eyeing the first sweater in the small stack of the box when we were buying him clothes, and his bright smile that never falters gives it away that he likes it.

"I love these, thank you." He whispers in my ear over everyone's chatter, giving my cheek a sly kiss.

"I knew you would." I whisper back, my eyes asking permission to kiss his lips. He nods, his emeralds flickering to my lips as he does so and he presses the pink plumps to my lips softly, but full of love. A great mix, enough to drive me absolutely crazy and want more. All of him. Again and again.

"I have something for you as well." He smirks when we pull away, his voice still a low and raspy whisper. I squeal slightly again and he laughs.

"Later." What a tease. I smack his leg lightly and turn to my parents as they hand me all of my presents.


"Thank you for having us over. It was lovely and very nice cooking!" Anne praises to my mother with that everlasting kind smile that could light up the world.

"You're very welcome!" My mom smiles back, promising to go out with Anne one day when she's off work. They hug and she hugs Niall's and Jade's moms. I'm glad she had a good time with them, they all got along really well. She hugs me next, thanking me again for the gift.

I give everyone that's not staying here a warm embrace goodbye, except for Marcel.

"Can I maybe stay the night?" He asks his mom and I am slightly shocked at his move. Usually, I'm the one persuading him into staying.

"We were all just going to watch a Christmas Story and Home Alone and stuff." I tell Anne, and that's exactly what we were going to do. I didn't expect Marcel to join us though, not that I didn't want him to.

Anne nods with a smile, then it falls when she points a stern finger toward her son and subtly mouths "be safe". Oh my god, never have my cheeks burned so much. Marcel's cheeks blush as well as he laughs it off and nods. Everyone else leaves, leaving our 'teen' group and my parents, of course.

*Marcel's POV*
"Hmm, so you wanted to stay?" She teases as we all move to that room she's kept secret from me all along. We sit in our same spots on the couch or beanbags before dinner came, she and I cuddling into the warmth each other's bodies radiate.

"Yeah, is that okay?" I smirk, knowing it'd be perfectly fine with her. I'm shocked she wasn't the one asking my mother if I could stay.

"Don't be stupid." She laughs, crinkling up her nose before she pecks my lips, leaving me wanting more.

"Plus, I still have to give you your gift." I add; she grins and I chuckle again. Zayn pops in the movie, A Christmas Story, everyone settling in for the holiday classic.

Soon enough, everyone apart from me and Sabrina are sound asleep in their spots. Sabrina wastes no time in pulling me quietly up and out of the room, leaving everyone there to sleep. She giggles softly as she tugs me through the dark, falling up the stairs together, trying our hardest to stifle our giggles and not wake anyone up.

We make it into her room, and she sits on her bed eagerly while I shut the door. I know exactly what she's waiting for and if it's not the gift, it's something else I'm hoping we save for later.

I laugh and sit with her, after grabbing the small box off her desk. I had managed to have Gemma sneak the box in her room throughout the night, having this plan foiled with so much genius in my head the whole night. And luckily, it pulled through. Now, she just has to like it...

"It's... It's not much but..." I trail off nervously, handing the cute little red box with a gold bow to the waiting girl. She gives me a reassuring smile, almost silently telling me she'll love it anyway, before she practically tears the lid off. She gives a small gasp when she takes a long, hard look at it.


Part 3/3 in a second and fair warning, it will be sexual :)

Xoxo Sabrina

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