Chapter 15 - Surprise Sleepover

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         *Sabrina's POV*

Kissing Marcel was definitely one of the greatest things. His lips are just so kissable, I couldn't resist. They seemed extra plump and pink today, and I had to have him. He's my Marcel, and when he called me 'My Sabrina', I lost all control.

He's a natural, and it made it all the better. I believe I was his first kiss, as he froze as soon as I was less than an inch away from our lips fully touching. Truthfully, I liked how he was so inexperienced, it made it all the more special. He didn't seem so inexperienced during our lip lock, though. The way our mouths and tongues moved together so slowly and in perfect sync, it was like we had a natural connection and it came through in our kiss.

I do want to take things a bit slow with him. I don't want to scare him off by letting my experience mix with his complete opposite. He's new, and I'm willing to teach him, if he'll allow me. Maybe taking his shirt off was moving too quickly. He would have told me if he was uncomfortable and he seemed pretty okay with the idea of me stripping him of his t-shirt.

I'll admit, he's flawless. He's very toned. He's told me he likes to take runs every now and then, but does running really make you that toned and muscular without actually working out? I have no idea, but if it does, it is definitely working for him. I don't understand why he covers it up with long-sleeved button up shirts and sweater vests. Maybe he's comfortable that way, and doesn't need to impress anyone.

I highly respect that about him. He doesn't care what others think of him, even when they insult him on the daily. I wish I had as much strength as he does. I don't know how he does it and still stays this happy and playful Marcel that I am lucky enough to witness every day of the week.

He's really become my best friend in this short time that we've known each other, and I really like him, in more ways than one.

He's my Marcel, and I'm not going to let anyone take that away from me.


After running downstairs to fetch myself a cup of water to replace my beer, I am back to my room and I lock the door again. Luckily, Jake and my brother were invested in an intense game of beer pong when I went down there and neither of them saw me.

Marcel and I sit on my bed and watch a movie, his choice. He didn't know what to pick, saying he doesn't watch many movies, so I just settled on us watching The Little Mermaid. He knows it's one of my favorite Disney classics, so he didn't protest. And if he did, I would still make us watch it regardless.

         *Marcel's POV*

“I really should get going home.” I reluctantly say, checking my watch after the movie ends. It's getting late, and my mom might start to worry.

“What, no!” I give her a confused look at her outburst. She is clutching onto my wrist as I make a move to get up. “I mean...please stay with me?”

I am surprised, but her pouty, desperate face is screaming at me to give in. And I do. I nod and she grins, probably feeling accomplished. I swear, she will be able to get away with anything in this friendship. She gives me that pouty, puppy dog eyes face and I'm a goner.

I quickly send a text to my mother, telling her I will be staying with Sabrina, saying that she needs me without going into detail for my curious and suddenly nosy mother and she replies with an 'okay' and a smiling face emoticon. I still have yet to figure out those 'emoji' things. Maybe Sabrina can teach me another day, as she uses them quite a lot in our text message conversations.

“Do you want some pajamas? I can run and steal some from my brother's room?” She offers as she stands up and moves to rummage through her dresser. I assume she's looking for her own pajamas.

“It'll probably piss him off!” She sings with a big smile as she faces me again, and I laugh.

“Sure.” I nod and she leaves the room after mumbling an 'I'll be right back'. She's back within seconds, holding a pair of red plaid pants, just like the ones I usually wear, and a white t-shirt.

“You two are about the same size right?” I shrug in response as she hands me the two items.

“You can change in here, I'll change in my bathroom.” She whispers and then she yawns. It's like a puppy yawning, it's the cutest thing. Her eyes screw shut as the tired action takes her over, and she rubs her eyes.

She skips to her connected bathroom in the corner of her room to change and I am quick to strip of my t-shirt and I kick off my shoes. It takes me a bit longer to get these darn jeans off of my legs, but I finally get them off in the time it takes for Sabrina to come out of the bathroom, fully dressed in a white tank top and a pair of pink plaid pants. We're almost matching.

Her hands are over her eyes as she blindly tries to come into the room. I am in my black boxer-briefs and even though her eyes are shut, I feel the need to cover myself up.

“Are you decent?” She asks, and she is facing the wall, not me. I laugh loudly as I pull the pants over my legs.

“Not yet. One second.” She waits patiently with a cute smile, both her hands still shielding her eyes tightly. She starts to sway back and forth childishly as I get myself dressed, and again, I just can't help the laugh that escapes me. She really is the cutest thing.

“Ready.” I say after the t-shirt is placed on my upper body and she uncovers her eyes, taking off in a full sprint, jumping on her mattress and taking up the full queen sized bed with her limbs.

I shake my head as I neatly fold my stripped off clothes and set the on her desk chair, setting my shoes next to the wheels of the chair.

“Do you have OCD?” She blurts out as I pull back the covers, the both of us shifting to get under the warm blankets.

“Um, yes.” I blush.

“There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Marce.” She smiles, rubbing a hand on my shoulder before we lay down beside each other.

“Uh, goodnight Sabrina.” I nervously say, clearing my throat to cover up my obvious nerves. Give me a break, I'm about to sleep in the same bed as a girl, I have every right as a nerdy teenage boy to be nervous!

“Goodnight Marcel.” She whispers sweetly. And that was it for the night. She rests her head on the pink pillow, her hands tucking under her cheek and a small smile curling on her perfect lips.

Her lips. The ones my lips were just touching just a few hours ago.

I realize the noise from the forgotten party has died down completely. Thank goodness. Everyone probably got so drunk, they passed out. That is actually very dangerous, and I don't see the fun in a possible hospital trip.

I ignore my inner scolding of the careless teenagers, letting my eyes close as I let slumber take me under for the night.


So I made a polyvore set of what Sabrina's room looks like and i think it's really cool. Should I post it next chapter? Would you want to see it to get a better sense of what Sabrina and Marcel see? 

Comment, vote and spread the word please! :)

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