Chapter 19 - You're Unbelievable

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       *Sabrina's POV*

“So I told this dude sitting next to me in English-” I start to tell Marcel as we step into my house after the school day had finally ended.

“Sabrina! Is that you?” Our newly hired cook asks as she appears from the kitchen, drying her hands with a rang. She's about in her mid-40's with long brown hair, much like mine, but graying a bit. She's also very nice. Marcel clutches my arm tightly.

“There's a woman in your house.” He hisses in my ear, as he stares her down, obviously frightened, and I can't help but laugh. Did he think she was a burglar? She could have been my mother for all he knew.

“Relax, Marce. This is Angie, our new cook. She just started yesterday.” He relaxes and lets go of his iron grip on my arm.

“Angie, this is my friend Marcel.” I introduce them and Marcel waves shyly while Angie gives him her big, kind grin.

“Nice to meet you Marcel. Can I make you two some snacks?” She asks and she is already off into the kitchen, and we follow her.

“Bagel bites, please!” I grin and look to Marcel.

“Uhm, I'll have the same, please.” He smiles politely and I'm slightly shocked. I expected the health nut to ask for a bowl of fruit or tray of vegetables like his mom makes for him everyday.

“Alright! I'll make them and bring them up to your room.” The woman says smiling and Marcel and I run up to my bedroom.

“You have a cook.” He states, rather than asks.

“Yeah, my mom and dad aren't home much and Zayn and I can't cook for shit.” I say before I can process the fact that I cursed.

“Language.” He points a finger at me as he sits on my bed and I join him, laughing.

“I know, I know.”

“C-Can we start on our homework now?” He timidly asks, and I nod with another chuckle.

I let him start his homework, deciding I'll just do mine later. I can't even begin to focus when he's here, so animatedly flying through his own work.

Angie brings the Bagel Bites up to our room, and I say a quick thank-you.

“Oh, and your brother wanted you to know he's here with someone named Jake.” She says, unknowing of the awkward tension that came within the blink of an eye. Marcel visibly stiffens at my desk as he works on Math.

“Um, thank you.” I say again and she nods, walking out.

“Marcel...” I speak in a cautious tone. Jake never comes home with my brother, they normally stay at Jake's house if they hang out.

“Maybe I should just go.” He starts to close his book with his homework inside and I jump from my bed to stop him.

“No, Marce, please don't go now. Jake is not going to come near us, he doesn't even know you're here. If you leave, he will see you. They both will.” I make a point, and Marcel gives in as I hold him in place.

“O-Okay.” He nods, and I hug him comfortingly.

SABRINA!” A loud voice booms as I hear stomping up the stairs, making Marcel and I jump away from each other as we get startled. I recognize the loud voice to belong to my brother and I am right when he bursts through my door, his chest heaving. He looks pissed.

“What the fuck is he doing here?!” He spits, looking at Marcel in disgust.

“Zayn, what is the problem?! Marcel comes over all the time!”

“Shhh!” He looks behind him as if to check if he was followed, before coming in my room and shutting the door. “Jake doesn't know that, and now he knows he's here!”

I look to Marcel to see his eyes widen and then I look back to my brother.


“Angie said something to me about you being here with him!”

“Crap...” I should have told her not to say anything.

“Just make sure Jake doesn't come up here, please. We won't bother you, I promise.” I beg unashamedly, and he nods.

“Fine, I don't want him bothering us anyway. And now I have to make up a fucking excuse why he's here.” He scoffs and leaves the room, slamming the door shut. I sigh at the person my brother has become.

“I am-”

“You're sorry, I know.” He sighs too, and I feel bad. Zayn has just talked down on him, right in front of his face.

I don't know what to do or say, so I take the shaking boy in my arms, holding him tightly to me. His large hands clutch onto my sweater, his forehead on my shoulder.

“Should I take you home?” I ask reluctantly. But I can't be selfish, wanting him to stay with me when his enemy is just downstairs.

“N-No. I'll be fine.” He lifts his head and pulls back from my embrace and I suddenly feel cold.

“Are you sure?” He only nods, and I do the same, but I watch him cautiously.

“Do you want to finish your homework?” He shakes his head this time.

“No, I'll finish at home, it's fine.”

“We can watch a movie?” I suggest, and his head nods up and down again. He's like a shy kid talking to a family member and only nodding and shaking his head.

I lock my door and take the plate of our snack Angie has set on my desk, while Marcel is making himself comfortable on my bed. I smile and move to lay next to him with the plate resting on the space left between us. I get my remote and I turn on the TV, beginning to flicker through the movie channels on the TV's 'guide'.

“Les Miserables?” He asks once I pass it, and I put it to the movie. The two of us start on our Bagel Bites.

“You know, your brother has such a foul mouth.” He points out bluntly as he takes a bite of the small pizza. I start laughing, shaking my head.

“You're unbelievable.” I mean that in the kind of way that says 'you're unbelievable for only thinking of Zayn's colorful language when he's talking down on you.' I'd be crying if I was him.

“Yeah, well...” He trails off with a shrug.

We continue watching the dramatic movie, and I sing along quietly to a few songs while we both ignore the boys laughing and shouting at what I presume were Zayn's mindless video games.

“Sabrina?” He speaks up after about two hours of us trying to concentrate on our movie.

“Hmm?” I hum in response.

“Can... One day, can you sing for me?” He blushes, avoiding my gaze. I can't help but smile.

“Um, I never really sing for anyone. Not for real, at least.” I blush as well. I'm very shy about my voice.

“Oh, that's okay-”

“But sure.” I finish and he seems just slightly shocked. Hell, I'm shocked too. I've only ever sang for Jade, and Zayn and Niall a few times when we'd jam out occasionally. Not even my mom and dad know my voice.

Marcel smiles that dimpled grin and we go back to the film. Guess I'll have to pick a song to sing for Marcel, then.


oop this was short. Double update later today. Pinky swear :) 

So my damn computer was being a piece of shit and I tried to fix my trailer on the movie maker and it was all fucked up. I will work it out and it will be up in a few chapters! 

Don't forget to comment, vote and please spread the word! I will do something in return if you spread the word or even give me a shoutout in your own story! 

Xoxo Sabrina

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