Chapter 34 - Hurt

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         *Marcel's POV*

The rest of the school day passes by rather quickly and peacefully, just like other school days have come to be. I tell Sabrina I'll meet her by her car, having stupidly forgotten something in my gym locker, and I also have to grab a textbook out of my school locker.

Coming out of the back of the school from my gym locker, I freeze in my place when I see a smirking Jake and his beef-heads following close behind him. He hasn't approached me since the day I met Sabrina, when he decided to knee me where the sun don't shine. Oh Lord, please don't let that happen again.

But I am alone, no one here to help me. It feels like I am back to square one, back when I wasn't with Sabrina and didn't have her there to help me if I needed help.

“Well, well, well... If it isn't Mr. Bad-ass Marcel.” He taunts.

“It's been a while, hasn't it, old buddy?”

Oh my goodness I am going to get it today.

“Playing the silent treatment with me?” He smirks, cocking an eyebrow.

I am still frozen in my spot like a statue. I can't move, even if I tried. I want to run, hoping that I'm faster than him, but the odds I make in my head are shot down, knowing he's the star football player. He could easily outrun my measly self, even if I do take pathetic morning runs every weekend. A shove to my body by my chest breaks any thoughts I have, also making me stumble back a bit.

“Fucking answer me!” He spits, continuing to push me until I am backed up into the brick wall behind me.

“N-No...” I answer his question about the silent treatment.

“You think just because that girl is your friend and you're suddenly sitting with those preppy fuckers at lunch, you're suddenly a bad-ass?”

I shake my head as a response, my voice suddenly shying away from me and the large boy.

 “You're not. You're still a worthless piece of shit. If you left this school, no one would even care, no one would notice. Not even your little girlfriend.” He says harshly in my face, droplets of spit hitting me as he snarls the cold words.

“Get him, Jake.” One of his friends says, and before I know it, a punch is landed straight into my stomach, emitting a loud grunt from me at the harsh impact. I am pushed to the floor, Jake's same fist landing to my face, making my head jerk to the side and I taste the iron of the blood forming in my mouth. I manage to spit the blood out of my mouth onto the ground below me before he gets off of me, only to land his foot straight into my stomach again, as if I was a soccer ball.

“Now you fucking listen to me. You are to stay away from Sabrina, got it? Otherwise, we will hurt you, more than ever.”

“Wh-Why?” I groan through the pain, clutching my stomach. I'm so stupid to ask.

“Because she's hot and I want her, and she won't come near me if you're with her. Besides, she doesn't even belong around you. You're meant to be alone. So just leave her the fuck alone, stay away and we won't have any more problems, understand?”

What do I do? If I don't stay away, he'll hurt me. If I do, I hurt the only person that has ever made me feel wanted. She's disproved anyone's theories of me being alone forever.

You're meant to be alone.

Those words keep playing like a broken record, and naturally, it makes me doubt anything Sabrina and I had.

“Do you fucking understand?!” Jake's harsh voice breaks my thoughts again about my options.

It's now or never. I don't want to be hurt anymore.

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