Chapter 1

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        "Time for hell" I groan as my alarm goes off. My parents aren't home yet. They're probably passed out somewhere after doing drugs last night. That's what usually happens. I get up out of bed and put on a pair of light denim jeans and an oversized black hoodie. I put on a pair of runners and threw my hair up into a messy bun. I don't own many clothes so this would have to do. I grabbed my backpack and began my walk to school.

              Once I reach my locker I begin to put my books away and get what I need for today. Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my left hand. My locker door was slammed closed on my hand by the one and only Corey, my boyfriend. "Ow. Please. Please open it." I beg with tears in my eyes. I think my hand is broken. "No. Not until you tell me why you think it's okay to come to school looking like this?! Are you trying to embarrass me?!" He whisper shouts at me. "I... I don't have any other clothes besides what I've worn to school this week." I stutter, tears now threatening to spill. "Shut up! Stop lying to me!" He hisses as he slaps me across the face. I know not to fight back because it aggravates him more.He storms off and I open the locker. Yup my hand looks broken. Great. I can't go to the hospital because my parents would have to check me out so that wouldn't end well.

          I go to all my classes as normal and hide my hand under my hoodie sleeve so no one sees. Thankfully it's Friday so at least I can avoid Jack for the weekend. One less person to hurt me. Speaking of him I haven't seen him all day.

           As I'm leaving the school I get dragged around to the back. Jack Gilinsky. I knew it was too good to be true. "Long time no see bitch!" He smirks. I just stand and prepare to be hit. "Are you scared of me?" He laughs. "You should be"  he smirks before slapping me in the face. He punches me twice in the stomach so I fall to the ground before he kicks me while I'm on the ground and walks away laughing to himself.

             I get up and walk home in pain. I prepare myself to get even more abuse as I walk down my street to my house. I see a cop car on my street. It doesn't surprise me. I live in a bad neighbourhood. There's pretty much always a cop car. We moved here after my parents became drug addicts. We couldn't afford to keep our old house. This is a neighbourhood full of addicts.

             As I reach my house I realise that the cops are at my house. Shit! What did my parents do now?! "Hello. Miss Gomez?" The lady cop asks. "That's me. How can I help?" I ask as I unlock the door. "We have some news. It might be better if we sit down." She says following me inside. "Okay. What's wrong?" I ask as we sit down on the couch. "This afternoon while you were at school we found your parents in an alleyway. They had overdosed on heroine and the doctors did their very best but unfortunately your parents didn't survive. I'm so sorry for your loss." She explains. My parents are dead. I can't say I'm happy because they weren't always bad parents. But I'm not exactly devastated either. I mean they did abuse me for seven years. "Okay. Thank you." I say to her. "You're 18 so you don't have to stay with family if you don't want. We understand you have no surviving family living in America. Is that correct?" She inquires. "Yes. My only aunt lives in Europe." I explain. "Okay. Well we can arrange for you to live with her if you'd like?" She offers. "No. I'm fine thank you. " I say. "Well if there's anything we can do let us know. Goodbye miss Gomez." She says as she leaves. "Thank you." I smile.

            I guess I should make something to eat. But of course we have no food. I take money from my bedside locker. I took it out of my college fund my parents had set up since I was born for me. They never bought food so I had to buy it myself the whole time. I started the 30 minute walk to the closest grocery store. All the ones in this neighbourhood get robbed.

                 I get a basket and start to pick up a few things, carefully checking the price tags to make sure that I had enough money for what I needed. I got enough food for dinner for myself. I walked to the checkout and as I was about to pack all the shopping I remembered I forgot a bag. I don't have enough money for one either. I'll just have to carry the food. I gather it all into my hand. I walk out the door and I accidentally drop all the food. I reach down and start to pick it up wincing at the pain of my stomach as I bend. Someone comes over and helps me pick it up. "Thank you." I smile looking up at the lady. It's Mrs. Gilinsky! She used to be my mom's best friend before my mom started doing drugs. "Ally? I've missed you! How are your parents?" She asks. "They're dead. They overdosed." I explain. "Oh Ally. I'm so sorry you had to live with that." She hugs me. "Are you going to live with family?" She asks. "No. I'm 18 so I'm staying until I'm finished senior year. Hopefully I can get a job and pay my way through college." I sigh. "Well why don't you come over for dinner tonight? We can catch up." She offers. "Oh em... I'm not sure that's a good idea. I mean you have enough people to feed without me." I stutter. "Nonsense! It's just me and Jack for dinner! David is helping Molly move and Laura is at a friend's! I'm not taking no for an answer" She explains. "Okay" I nod nervously. Jack is going to kill me on Monday.

             I get into the car with Mrs. Gilinsky. Here it goes. I'm about to have dinner with my ex best friend who's now my bully and his mom. This could go horrible. It probably will. Mrs G can't find out about Jack bullying me or else he'll make my life even worse. It doesn't seem possible but Jack would find a way.


      Chapter 1 is up. Word count: 1126.  That's the longest chapter I've ever written on wattpad! 😂👏
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Read my other books if you want too.

Thanks ♡ bye
Xxx ~E


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