Chapter 5

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I wake up to my alarm again and get ready as usual. I get dressed (**a/n** above) and put on enough makeup to cover the bruises. I go downstairs except this morning I see Johnson, Gilinsky, Laura and Katherine at the table. "Hello" I smile. "Ally! My main hoe!" Laura screams running over to hug me. I laugh as Katherine scolds Laura for her explicit language. Laura and Molly were like the sisters I never had. "I missed you" we both say at the same time. "Want to come shopping with me?!" Laura asks excitedly. We have a week off school for some reason. "I can't. I'm working." I smile apologetically at her. "Nonsense. You had the house spotless yesterday. How much can the boys mess it up in one day? Go! Take the day off!" Katherine smiles at me. "Oh. Are you sure? I don't want it to seem like I'm slacking off..." I explain to Katherine. "Ally. I'd tell you straight up if I didn't want you to go. Here. Take your wages early!" She smiles handing me a brown envelope containing my wages. "Thank you!" I smile at her. "Let's go!" Laura whines playfully pulling my arm.

Laura and I drive to the mall and begin our day of shopping.

☆☆☆Jack's P.O.V☆☆☆

Mom leaves after Laura and Ally so Johnson and I go up to my room. We sit on my bed and start to play Xbox while talking. "Nate was wasted last night!" I laugh. "Yeah. Do you think he likes Ally or was he just looking for a hook up last night?" Johnson asks. "Probably just a hook up. Why? Do you like Ally?" I pry. "Nah. She's chill though. Why do you do what you do to her?" He asks. "I don't know to be honest. I was embarrassed of her being my friend once she became poor and I suppose it was my way of showing people I wasn't friends with her..." I trail off. "Bro. That's messed up." Johnson says. "I know. But once I realized that I couldn't stop. I had a reputation. I was stupid. Now I can't stop because it's habit." I frown in annoyance with myself. "I'll help you break the habit if you want?" Johnson offers. I nod in response.

"You looked pissed at Nate after what happened. Do you have feelings for Ally?" Johnson asks. "No!" I shout. "Then why were you so upset by it?" He smirks. "All girls are beautiful especially her and no girl deserves to almost be raped by someone. What I do is bad but rape is a whole different level." I blurt out without thinking. "You do! You like her!" Johnson shouts. "No Johnson. I can't. I can't have feelings for her. She's just a maid. She's just my maid. I can't like her like that." I say in disbelief. "Whatever helps you sleep at night" he smirks.

I can't like her... can I?

♡♡♡ Ally's P.O.V♡♡♡

After about 2 hours of shopping Laura and I decide to take a break and go to Starbucks. We sit at the table and talk about all the funny memories that we have from when we were kids.

"Remember the time we had a water fight when you were like five and you hadn't brought any swimming costume so I let you use one of my old bikinis and Jack was so upset that you got one and he didn't so he cried until I let him wear one?!" Laura asks as we both burst out laughing. "Yeah! Jack was walking around in a bikini and he didn't give a fuck about what anyone thought!" I say in between laughs.

Laura and I decide to go back home because we're finished shopping. On the way back we get McDonald's for the two of us. We take the food up to my room once we reach the house and I pull out a photo album my mom had put together before she became an addict. It's full of pictures of me as a child. Most of them contain at least one of the Gilinsky children. Laura and I look through the album and discuss each picture, talking about what we remember happened when it was taken, while we eat our McDonald's. This is the most fun I've had in ages. I missed Laura. She doesn't know about what Jack does to me or about Corey or my parents abusing me and it's going to stay like that. I don't want sympathy.


Word count: 756

What did y'all think of that Jack P.O.V? Should I do more of them?

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