Chapter 15: I love you

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A/N: I don't hate Riley.

"Riley, we're going to 'Topanga's'" Topanga bothered Riley in her room while she was doing her homework.

Riley set her pencil down and stood up from her bed. She then furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, "Uh, why?"

"You said that you want your dad and I to help you with Maya on whatever is happening so... We are" Topanga said nodding her head

"Well... Is Maya there?"

"Yes she is on her way. Even Katy is helping out" she paused, "So let's go!" Topanga cheered.

After Riley, Topanga and Cory walked for 10 minutes, they finally got to their destination.

"Lucas and Farkle?" Riley said surprisingly when she walked in.

"Yes, they'll be here to help too" Cory said glancing at them.

"Okay, but this is only between Maya and I"

"Do you want help or not?" Topanga questioned

"Fine" Riley quietly groaned.

Waiting for about 15 minutes, Maya and Katy arrived. Maya ignored everyone and sat on a seat minding her own business. Lucas, Farkle and Riley were talking in front of the cashier counter.

"What took you so long?" Topanga asked Katy.

"Well you see, It took a while to make Maya come here. I finally made her, well yeah, I forced her" Katy answered.

"Okay Listen up!" Topanga yelled making everyone in the place look at her, "'Topanga's' is closed. I want everyone to get out except you five" she finished glancing at Cory, Katy, Maya, Riley, Lucas and Farkle.

Every customers left the place except for the seven of them.

"Maya and Riley, both of you need to sit together" Cory said and Maya quickly glared at him with annoyance

Riley then sat besides Maya. Both of them didn't look at eachother. Riley wanted to talk to her but Maya on the other hand doesn't want to be bothered by anyone.

"Yup" Cory said popping the 'P'. "Let's go guys, let's give them space and let them talk together"

They all hurried to the exit leaving Maya and Riley confuzzled. From there, it was only Maya and Riley inside.

"Talk!" Topanga yelled from outside. Maya groaned while Riley looked at her.

"Maya I-" Riley started but got cut off

"Save it Riley" Maya paused then faced Riley, "I know what you're gonna say, you're going to say you're sorry and that you didn't really mean it" she paused, "I'm tired of what you say. Saying the same all over and over again"

"That's why you let me explain!" Riley said raising her voice

"Yeah, explain go ahead" Maya offered

"Maya, Lucas and I didn't mean to-" Riley got cut off once again

"See, same thing. You tell me the same thing"

"What do you want me to say?" Riley questioned trying not to get angry

"Riley, don't you get it? You broke my heart. You shattered it. You broke a promise that YOU made and that's not the right thing to do" she paused, "now I don't know if I can ever trust you again with your boyfriend-"

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