Chapter 16: Moved On

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*Y/N= Your name

It's been two weeks since the incident with Riley and Maya happened. Riley tried talking to her at school but Maya kept pushing her away, same goes to Lucas and Farkle. Both of them would try to get Riley and Maya talk but Maya kept ignoring them.

"There is no way we can get these both to talk" Farkle said

Right now, Lucas, Farkle and Riley were at 'Topanga's'. Riley was doing her homework and was minding her own business while Lucas and Farkle were trying to make a plan.

"Maya changed" Lucas paused and looked worried, "She- she acts different now just from looking at her. Have you noticed?"

"Yep, I have" Farkle answered, "She's been giving us that nasty look. Everytime I approach her, she gives me that... Death glare like she's gonna kill me. I get scared"

"There's gotta be a way to get these two to talk" Lucas said trying to think, "But lying won't help. We're done lying to eachother"

After minutes of thinking one spoke

"Why don't you talk to her instead?" Farkle suggested

"What? Me?" Lucas answered curiously, he chuckled, "Maya hates me. She really really hates me. Do you even know why their friendship ended. Hello. It's because of me"

"Yeah, exactly. You need to tell her that it's your fault" Farkle said nodding

"Yeah. Like that's gonna fix it. She already thinks it's all of ours fault, so there's no point really" Lucas sighed

Farkle looked at Riley, "Hey Riley" he shouted so she could hear


"Do you still want to talk to Maya?" Farkle asked

"Uh, what kind of a question is that. Of course I do. If I had the chance to then I would" she then stood up from her seat and walked over to them, "I do miss her, I still feel guilty to what I did and whatever we all did"

Minutes and minutes of talking later, Maya walks in. She noticed three staring at her and she glared at them and ignored.

"What is she doing here?" Farkle whispered to Lucas and Riley

"I don't know. We'll ask" Riley said.

Riley walked to where Maya was and stood in front of her blocking where ever she was going.

Riley crossed her arms, "Hi"

"Can you please get out of my way..." Maya said not looking at Riley

"And why would I do that?"

"Just get out of my way" Maya then pushed Riley aside and made her way to the counter and grabbed something that looked like it was Katy's things.

After she grabbed the things, she made her way to the exit but was stopped by Lucas by grabbing her wrist.

"What the hell are you doing?" Maya said struggling to get out of his grip, "Can you... Let go"

"Why are you ignoring us?" Lucas finally spoke

"Don't ask me that question over and over when you all know why" she said, "now let go"

With that, Lucas let her go and she exited fast.

"Let's go to her house" Lucas said turning around to Farkle and Riley

"What are you crazy? She'd kill us" Farkle said worriedly

"Uh" Riley nervously said, "I'd rather not go too"

"Do you guys want her back as a friend?" Lucas asked the both of them raising his voice, "R-Riley, do you want your best friend back?"

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