Chapter 8: Sleepover at Riley's.

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   Thursday. Riley woke up feeling positive, ever since Maya and her exchanged about how they feel about eachother. Riley couldn't stop thinking about how they like eachother now. She and Maya knows that they can't date (yet). Riley wants to take things slow for now and again, explore and experience her new self first, with Maya by her side as always.

   Riley did her usual school morning routine and then headed to school with Maya.

  As they entered the halls of the school, Riley twirled around feeling happy, "Oh it's so good to be back!" Riley said and sighed in relief. Maya gave her the heart eyes but Riley didn't notice. After, they both walked to their lockers to grab some things. When they arrived to their locker, Lucas noticed them and walked up to the two girls.

   "Hey, you both okay now?" Lucas nervously asked. "Yes! We are happy together. We're okay! We're fine! Today is going to be a good day!!!" Riley said while twirling around while entering their history class. Maya smiled and bit her lip when Riley entered the class and Lucas chuckled. "What's up with her? You guys together now?" Lucas asked Maya while both of them entered the class room. "We're not like together, we're just best friends. She's really happy and I'm glad that she is" Maya answered Lucas while looking at Riley. Lucas and Maya both headed towards their seats to sit down.

   Today was a really good day for Riley. Nothing much happened at school today but kept smiling. Maya found it adorable.

  Afterschool, Lucas, Zay, Farkle, Maya and Riley all went to 'Topanga's', where they usually do their homework together and hang out. While doing homework for a straight 2 hour. They decided to take a break and have a conversation, Riley told the boys about how she wanted to experience and explore her new self and feelings and how it would benefit her in the future.

"So, Riley, to have a clear answer from you, Do you really like Maya?" Farkle asked Riley because when he asked them both the other day, it wasn't really clear. He was smart enough to know that when they would talk to eachother about it, their answers would be clearer.

"Yes. Yes I dot really like Maya." Riley answered confidently.

"Whoa. That's really cool. I know that both of you girls are happy" Zay said

"Thank you Zay!" Riley said to Zay

"Hey Zay and Farkle we should go" Lucas said to the boys

"Wait what? Why?" Maya asked the three of them

"Oh! We're gonna have boys night. Three of us will be playing video games. It's basically just a boy hang out quality time I guess." Farkle explained

"You guys want to join?" Zay seriously asked Riley and Maya

"Uh, no. Are you serious. It's okay. Maya and I will do the same thing then!" Riley said. Maya slowly looked at her with a confused face.

"What really?" Maya asked

"Yes Maya. We're still best friends you know. Us liking eachother won't ruin our sleepover party okay?" Riley said to Maya. Maya nodded.

"Alright, we should get going then. See you girls tomorrow!" Lucas said as he stood up to leave. Zay and Farkle soon followed and waved at the girls.

"Alright, ready to go to my place then?" Riley asked. "Whoa chill, I need to get my things first" Maya said as she slightly chuckled.

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