Chapter 17: Replaced part 2

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            What could go wrong?




"H-Hi... Can w-we talk?" Y/N nervously asked


"Uh... Y-yeah. Sure" Riley stuttered

Farkle scooted over to let Y/N sit

After Y/N sat down, there was a moment of silence. Lucas, Riley and Farkle was shocked about how Maya's friend Y/N wanted to talk to them.

Y/N broke the silence by coughing, "So.."

The three glanced at eachother in confusion

"Is everything okay?" Farkle asked, "What did you want to talk about again?"

"Uh, Maya" Y/N nervously said looking down

Riley widened her eyes as soon as she heard Maya's name. She sat up from her chair and moved her chair closer to where Farkle and Y/N were sitting.

"Where is Maya anyways?" Riley said

"She went home but... You know the thing about you guys?" Y/N said looking at the three

Lucas tilted his head a little, "What?" he curiously asked

"You all are great friends to Maya. I get why you guys are so desperate on getting her back, she's an amazing person" she paused, "When I look at her in the eye, something tells me that deep down in her she wants to forgive you all. I know she pushes you guys away but I think it's because she thinks that you all are better off without her. She thinks she gets in your guys' way"

"How could you possibly know about that?" Riley softly asked

Y/N sighed, "Again, I could see it in her eyes" she then took a deep breath, "But I'm going to tell you all something".

The three nodded signaling her to continue

"She's going to forgive you all. I'm not sure when but, she's going to" Y/N said and smiled at them. 

Lucas, Farkle and Riley were left speechless about what Y/N said to them. From there, Y/N stood up from her seat and gave them a last look. After, she exited out of the place and the three were left inside. They had many questions that floated in their head.

After minutes of thinking someone finally spoke.

"Y/N is actually a nice girl..." Lucas said as his eyes were still looking at the floor

"I-... I thought she would tell us to leave Maya alone so she could have her by herself. I thought wrong. She's not selfish" Riley said

[Later that day—Dinner]

"Wow. The food smells delicious" Cory said sitting down on his seat at the dinner table. Topanga giggled.

Before they all could dig in, there was a knock of the door.

"I'll get it" Topanga said.

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