Chapter 17: Replaced

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[Next Day—Lunch Time]

"What's Rilaya? What even is that?" Riley innocently asked

"It's you and Maya's ship name" Farkle stated and took a bite of his sandwich

Riley furrowed her eyebrows and scoffed, "Who would make that up" she sassed and drank her water

"Most of the people here at school" Lucas casually said

Riley choked on her water, "w-w-what?" "that's so-" "everyone knows that both of us liked eachother!?" She said in between her coughs

Lucas and Farkle shooked their head No

"Don't worry, it's not a romantic kind ship. It's a friendship ship... You know" Lucas calmingly said

Farkle nodded, "Yes"

Riley chuckled, "Well, Maya and I aren't friends anymore though. I've been replaced with Y/N. Or whatever her name is"

Lucas cringed when he heard Riley say Y/N's name

"Honestly, Y/N seems nice but I feel like deep down inside she's a sassy brat" Lucas shot

"I have a feeling too. I don't trust her with Maya" Riley said squinting her eyes

Farkle looked over at Lucas' shoulder and saw Maya and Y/N together again

"I've been thinking about something" Y/N said turning her body to face Maya

"And what is it that you're thinking about?" Maya questioned as she looked at Y/N

"You need a boyfriend" Y/N purposely blurted out eyeing Maya's body up and down

Maya choked on air and Y/N giggled

"Yup, you need a boyfriend Maya"

"No thank you. I am not available" Maya sassed and played with her food

Y/N sighed and held both of Maya's hand, "I've only met you like three days ago and befriended you. You've been such a good friend to me and I appreciate it so much and I care about you so much Maya and I still feel bad about what Farkle, Lucas and Riley did to you. I want you to be happy with someone and move on and forget about them"

Maya chuckled, "I already have someone that I'm happy with" she said smiling

Y/N gasped, "And you never told me!?" She excitingly questioned

Maya softly laughed, "it's you dummy"

"Both of them are holding eachothers hands..." Farkle said examining Y/N and Maya from a distance at the cafeteria

"Stop staring at them" Lucas said through his teeth

"And now they just hugged" Farkle said and looked back at Lucas and Riley

Riley sighed, "I've been replaced" Riley sadly muttered

[Later that day—Afterschool]

"Maya!" Farkle, Lucas and Riley shouted in unison. They all hurried to where Maya was.

"What?" Maya questioned them in annoyance

"Can we talk to you?, it's really important" Farkle said

Maya groaned and rolled her eyes, "You and I don't have anything to talk about. I have to go" she then walked away from them but was stopped by Lucas' grip on her wrist

"Not this again Lucas. Stop grabbing me by my wrist" Maya angrily said with her eyebrows furrowed

Lucas stayed quiet and let Riley talk.
Riley just talked to her about how she wanted to start fresh new with their friendship a long with Lucas ad Farkle. Maya didn't seem to like that idea. She didn't want to hang out or even talk to them three anymore. For the past two weeks, she had lost interest in ever talking to them again. So she decided to move on but it seems like Lucas, Farkle and Riley couldn't handle the fact that she moved on.

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