Chapter 3: Confused

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It was a beautiful sunny Saturday morning. I have woken up before my Mom could wake me up. I could hear my Mom in her- what sounded like- heels. She came inside my bedroom to wake me up but I was already awake.

"Oh hey honey, it's time for breakfast if you want. If not you can just rest for a while, but I'd suggest not to eat breakfast because your father made scrambled eggs when it doesn't even look scrambled" My Mom teasingly said while looking down at me. "*lets out a small giggle* alright mom, I'll just have cereal and milk. I'll be right behind you *smiles*". "Okay honey" she said while she pats my shoulders and then finally leaving my room.

I brushed my hair and got ready for the day. I just had to put on some short and a plain t-shirt. Nothing special. Today is a bum day anyways. I headed down stairs to eat my cereal, the first thing I saw while entering downstairs was my Mom in the kitchen washing dishes and then Auggie and My dad. I sat down on the table to finally eat my cereal, when I turned around to look at my dad and my brother-because they were like cheering and were loud- I saw a figure in the corer of my eyes sitting down on the bigger bay window thingy at my living room. "Maya?!? What? Does my parents wait what? *laughs nervously* MOM! DO YOU SEE HER? HOW? WAIT WHAT?" While I was still in confusion looking down at the ground, I noticed Maya walking towards me. "*laughs* why are you freaking out? Do you think I'm a ghost..." she said. "No cause, you don't always go to the front door... That's all." I said to Maya. Looking at Maya's face, she was looking at me like... like she was looking at me a way that I've never seen her look at me... I'm so confused.

Oh well, I went back to my cereal because I was really hungry as heck. When I finished my cereal, Maya was still staring at me with a smirk on her face. I looked at her and I tilted my head with hat confuzzled face. Hm, but I just stood up and went to put my bowl on the sink. As I went back to sit with Maya, I questioned her "so.. My little one, what brings you here?" I said playfully, Maya let out a small cute giggle, "Well, Riles, my little one also, I got bored of life, so, making it more- not boring. I wanted to come and visit you" Maya said while she rests her chin on the palm of her hand. Honestly, Maya seemed to be giving me the heart eyes? What I would call. She's such a cute obvious little pumpkin ravioli peach. (THIS IS SOMETHING WHAT RILEY WOULD SAY LMAOOO GOODBYE)

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