The Start of a Friendship (BoyxBoy)

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Authors Note: Hey! This is my first story on Wattpad! But, not my first time writing. I'm starting off with a rather dark story. Which could be good or bad. Well, okay. Enjoy the first chapter! (;

Chapter 1 The Start of a Friendship

I quickly looked in the full-length mirror, carefully sweeping my bangs slightly out of my eyes. I was wearing a black band t-shirt with scrawly writing that formed the words Three Days Grace. My jeans were black and form-fitting, and on my feet I wore my very worn out Nike high tops.

I sighed looking at my skinny body, my height didn't help either, as I was only 5'6. I lift up my arm, flexing and only causing a small bulge to form. I roll my eyes at the pathetic sight. I tried working out once, it lasted about five minutes before I got tired and dropped the dumbbell and it almost hit my foot. I also tried running on the treadmill but got tired and didn't have the strength to turn it down to a lower setting and I tripped, falling on the moving belt. The belt carried me and threw me off straight into the wall.

I shuddered at the memory, quickly grabbing my backpack and heading out of my room. I bounded down the stairs, skipping the last two steps and landing awkwardly.

"Good morning sweetie." My mom says, from the kitchen. She turns around from the stove, giving me a bright smile.

I smile at her. She was a great mom, the only thing was she was very short. I felt okay being only 5'6 when I was around her. She only came to 5'0. I chuckle, patting her head. "Good morning to you too."

My mom laughs, slapping my hand lightly. "Stop that." She turns back to the stove, stirring the lumps of scrambled eggs. "The eggs will be ready in a few minutes. Do you want toast?"

"Yeah, I'll get it. Do you want any?" I ask.

"Sure honey." She replies. She stops stirring the eggs. "Um, hun. I was going to ask... Are you by any chance going to go stop by your dad's house this weekend?"

I freeze, the bread in my hand just above the toaster. I inhale slowly, shaking my head. "No. I don't want to see him."

"I know you don't particularly favor the idea. But, I think you should see him. He's been worried about you." She says.

I scoff. "Worried? About me? All he's worried about is running out of beer."

"Honey, I know your father cares and you should know it too." She pushes.

"No! He doesn't care mom! If he doesn't care about you then he doesn't care about me!" I scream. I sigh as I see a look of hurt on her face. "I'm sorry mom, it's just..." I run a hand through my hair. "Dad drank. He slept with other women. He neglected me. Nothing like that could ever make him a father. Him not caring about you and... hurting you is enough to make me hate him. So, please, can we let it go?" The toast pops up out of the toaster and I turn my back on her, taking them out.

She sighs. "Alright Daniel." She giggles and says in her usual enthusiastic voice. "Let's eat!"


"Bye shorty! Love you!" I call to her, opening the front door to bright sunshine.

"Bye! Love you too Danny!" She taunts.

I laugh, rolling my eyes. I hated being called Danny, it sounded girlish. But, I didn't mind if my mom called me it. I wouldn't even mind if my girlfriend would call me it. If only I had one.

I closed the front door, slinging my backpack over my shoulder and started walking to hell -meaning school. The good thing about going to school was that it was only a short block away from my house. The bad thing was that almost everyone I knew, knew where I lived. Not that anyone came over to his house and bothered me, it's just that I'd rather not have people know where I lived. Especially certain people.

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