Chapter Five ~ Football Player on the Prowl

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Chapter 5 Football Player on the Prowl

My eyes widen. Huh? I look over at Luke who just shrugs. I blink, walking forward, but quickly walk behind Damien. I glance up at the crowd of boys who were bigger than me looking at Damien as if he's insane.

The coach blinks, shaking his head slowly. "Okay... continue Jacob." 

One by one Jacob and Damien chose the guys on their team. Johnson nods. "Okay! Get started, but let's use half of the field!"

We all stood in our lines as a guy threw the football. Damien caught the football, running to the goal. Jacob almost caught up to him but Damien was faster, reaching the end goal line, throwing the football to the ground. He raises his arms in triumph. The guys on Damien's team high-five him and clap him on the back. I stand to the side, watching with a small smile on my face as Luke flips Damien off and Jacob laughing beside Luke. l turn my attention back to Damien. My eyes widen in surprise as I see Damien looking at me. I accidentally locks gazes with Damien. I almost look away but before I do I notice Damien's smile getting bigger. I look away quickly as the coach blows his whistle.

"Go again!" Mr. Johnson yells.

Everyone lines up again, hiking the ball. I stand off to the side as Jacob runs off with the football. Jacob finds Luke throwing it to him, but Damien intercepts, running towards the goal, throwing it to another boy who caught it, throwing it on the ground for a touchdown.

"Daniel!" The coach yells, causing me to jump. Johnson narrows his eyes at me. "Don't just stand there! Get in there!"

I nod, looking over as Luke runs up beside me, a few drops of sweat dripping off his face. "Lay off Johnson!"

Mr. Johnson rolls his eyes, but doesn't say anything else. "Go again!" He yells. Everyone lines up again. "Make sure you get in there Davis!" Spoke too soon…

Someone hikes the ball, stepping back to find someone to throw to. I make sure he runs ahead towards the goal.

Luke runs beside me, laughing. "Daniel, you didn't have to listen to Johnson! I would have beat his ass if he would have messed with you anymore."

I chuckle. "Uh, I don't think you need to go that far. It is a class and I wasn't participating."

Luke waves a hand in the air. "Psh, like participation matters."

I smile. "True, but-"

"Look out!" Someone screams, interrupting me.

I look up, seeing the football flying towards me, my eyes widen, quickly ducking. I wait for the impact of the ball, but I get knocked off my feet when something runs into me.

I fall to the ground, but the arms that are wrapped around me break my fall.

The person grunts, jerking forward as if something hit them. "Fuck!" They hiss quietly. The person above me pants. "Daniel..."

My eyes widen as I recognize the voice. Damien pulls back so I am staring into his deep chocolate brown eyes.

Damien unwraps an arm from around me, reaching a hand over, cupping my cheek. "Are you okay?" He whispers.

I stare at Damien shocked to even move. What the hell was he doing?! Luckily voices snap me out of my stupor and diverted Damien's attention.

"Daniel! Damien! Are you okay?" Johnson exclaims, rushing forward. Luke was standing behind Johnson a look of concern on his face, but mainly surprise.

I nod as Damien gets off of me. Everyone else was crowding around us, with looks of concern.

"Damien, are you okay? That football hit you pretty hard." Johnson says.

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