Chapter Seven ~ Confrontations

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A/N: I'm sorry! I'm alive! I should seriously have started this chapter before I did my finals. The date scene ended last chapter but there will be a more meaningful date scene later, okay? Also, I hope you do know this but the fast romance is very essential to this story. If that part does bother you slightly. Well, here's your chapter.

Chapter Seven: Confrontations


"Damien is really acting weird." Shelby remarks.

I glance at her, shrugging. "He's just pissy. He's probably on his period."

Shelby glares. "Stop being a smart ass and go talk to him!"

I throw my head back and groan. "Fiiiiiine..." I slowly get up from my chair and head to the bathroom. It's not that I'm not worrying about Damien... It's just he's never open about his feelings. So there's no way in hell he'd tell me what's wrong. As I make it to the exit I can't help but glance at Luke... Luke. He's really interesting. I've never really noticed him before. Hell, I never even knew I could be interested in a guy! I've never really thought of it I guess...

Luke was talking to that girl Chelsea. Are they dating? God, I barely even know Luke! But, every time I think about the idea of those two dating my chest hurts.

I reach the bathroom pretty quickly, opening the door. "Hey, Damien...?" I freeze, my mouth dropping open in shock at what I'm seeing.

Damien was on his knees, but what really left me speechless was what was under him. Or who, for that matter. Damien had Daniel pinned in between his legs on his stomach. One of Damien's hands was snaked up Daniel's shirt, seeming to reach towards the button of his jeans. The other hand had a tight grip on Daniel's mouth. Daniel looked like he was about to cry as he had a tight grip with both hands on Damien's lower arm and his hand like he was trying to rip it off his mouth.

Damien was staring at me like a deer caught in the headlights, taking his hand away from Daniel's mouth.

I was so shocked I barely even noticed when Daniel jabbed his elbow into Damien's side.

I barely noticed Damien making a painful yelp as Daniel jabbed Damien in the side, causing him to fall over, affectively releasing Daniel.

I barely noticed Daniel jumping up and running out the bathroom door.

I barely noticed... Daniel. I was too caught up looking at my best friend since fifth grade.

Damien looks up at me, glaring. "What?"

I gape at him. Trying to find the words. After me witnessing something like that and all he can say is 'what?'. It was like I was interrupting him doing... What was he doing? No... he couldn't have been...

Damien rolls his eyes, standing up with a slight wince. "Quit standing there like an idiot..." He mutters, walking towards the door, but I'm still standing in the doorway, blocking him. He glares at me. "Move." He demands.

"Damien..." I mumble. He raises an eyebrow, looking at me expectantly. I shake my head in disbelief. "What... what were you doing to Daniel."

Damien sneers at me, pushing me out of the way as he walks out the door.

I recover quickly, going after him. "Damien!" I exclaim, grabbing his arm. Since it was lunchtime there wasn't anyone in the hallway, which was probably a good thing.

He turns to me with a look I've never seen before... a look that I can only describe as... crazy.

"I love Daniel." He whispers so quietly that I almost miss it.

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