Chapter Six ~ Big Talks, Stalkers, and Creepy Waiters! Oh My!

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Chapter Six: Big Talks, Stalkers, and Creepy Waiters! Oh My! 

I open my eyes, groaning as I see the red numbers on the alarm clock indicates that the alarm will go off in two minutes. I hated waking up before the alarm went off for some reason.

I shut off the alarm, pulling the blue covers back before starting my morning routine. After I brush my teeth, I walk over to my drawers, pulling on a black Pierce the Veil shirt and black jeans. I walk back into the bathroom, running a hand through my hair so it’s how I want it. I give myself a small smile in the mirror, going back into my room and grabbing my backpack.

I walk down the stairs, skipping the last step. As I walk into the kitchen I see my mom sitting at the table a cup of coffee in her hand and a newspaper spread out in front of her. I'm still mad at her. I mean, seriously, who goes on a date with their ex-husband?

She looks up at me with a small smile. "Good morning." All I manage is a nod, causing her to sigh. "Are you seriously mad at me Daniel?"

I narrow my eyes. "Yes! Why would you go and "hang out" with him?" I say, putting air quotes on hang out.

She rolls her eyes. "I didn't go on a date if that's what you're implying."

"Yeah, whatever..." I mumble. I know I'm being insensitive, but seeing her with him after all the pain I saw her go through. It doesn't feel right that she would even want to talk to him.

She just sighs, looking back down at the newspaper, leaving me to do my own thing without further conversation. I grab a pop tart and walk out to the front door, I pause shaking my head. As I walk out the front door and shut it behind me I feel guilt in the pit of my stomach and the small voice in the back of my head calling me stupid for treating my mom like that. Damn, why does that voice always have to be so right?

I sigh heavily, sitting down on the porch step. I unwrap the pop tart and eat it slowly waiting for Ethan. As I take my first bite I notice a car across the street. That was the same car from last night... I tilt my head. Did the neighbors get a new car? I roll my eyes. That's probably why I've felt I've seen it before. I bite my lip as something tells me I've seen it at school before. The windows were tinted slightly, making it impossible to see if there was anyone even in it. Seriously, why do people tint their windows? I'm pretty sure it's not to keep the sun's rays from getting in. You just look like a creeper.

A honking breaks me of my trance and I look up to see Ethan in his Camaro grinning at me like an idiot. My idiot... Wait, he's not my idiot, we haven't been dating long. I'm surprised no one thought we were moving too quickly. I mean, when I met Ethan I felt this kind of pull towards him. He makes me feel safe.

"Are you going to get in?" Ethan calls, causing me to break out of yet another thought session. I nod quickly, grabbing my backpack and the rest of my pop tart. I jog over to Ethan's car and jump in. Ethan grins, leaning over and kissing my cheek. "And how are you? Did you have fun yesterday?"

I smile. "Yeah. Chelsea found a really pretty dress and Luke just about died from the boredom that brought." Ethan chuckles at that, probably imagining Luke's suffering. I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing... I shake my head, chuckling as I continue. "Luke's brother picked us up... that boy is really overprotective. I mean when we told him that Damien followed-..." I stop, my eyes widening. I wasn't planning on telling him! I don't know why, but I just don't want him to get mad. I slowly look over at Ethan and cringe slightly as I see him looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"What... did Damien do?" Ethan asks slowly.

I look down at my lap, fiddling with my fingers trying to avoid his gaze. Is he mad? He seems really mad! Why couldn't I just shut up? God! It's just that this girl used to follow my dad, well Robert, around. She would send him letters and practically stalk him and my mom finally had enough and beat the shit out of her and the girl ended up getting a restraining order against my mom! Would Ethan get like that? We haven't been together that long, so there's no way...

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