Chapter 3: Harry Styles ➰

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"Who?" I ask her as we walk out of reception, headed to my locker

"Harry Styles. Only the hottest guy in school, but don't waste your time he doesn't date" Stacy says in a sour tone and I wonder when he turned her down, almost giggling at the thought

"Oh." I say, "Mind filling the new girl in?"

"Eager?" Stacy asks, winking at me

"Slightly. More interested than eager" I admit

She laughs and launches into the story of Harry Styles.

"Hmm...well, he's 17, same age as us. Single, obviously, and lives with 4 of his best friends. He's an orphan, I think his parents died a couple years ago. He just moved here from Canada, around the time his parents died, and he normally keeps to himself, everyone steers clear of him coz he's all dangerous looking ya know? His friends have already graduated school like a few years ago so it's just him at the school and that's about it." she recites

"Woah. Hardcore" I mutter as I find my locker, opening it and dumping all my stuff in it before turning to Stacy and getting my class schedule out.

First class is English. I smile, I love english, always have.

"Where's my first class?" I ask Stacy

"Oh, don't worry I'll show you. I'll take you to all your classes till you get the hang of where they are" she smiles at me and I almost feel guilty. She's being really sweet to me. Maybe I should re-think being such a bitch?

I look around the huge campus

"That may take a while"

She giggles and I follow her to my first class, wincing as the harsh light spears through my retina's and of course the first person I see when I enter the room and bid goodbye to Stacy is Harry freaking Styles.


I walk to the teacher and hand him a slip of paper that has a note from the reception. I think it mentions me being new.

"Miss Whitmore?" the teacher says loudly

"Huh?" I say turning to him, then flushing with embarrassment when I realise I was staring at Harry the whole time the teacher was talking to me

"I said, take a seat next to Mr Styles and follow along with the class work" the teacher, Mr Barter, comments and I see Harry's back stiffen at the sound of his name

"Oh, uh, right" I say, shaking my head as I walk over to the desk and sit down.

"Alright class, let's start the lesson" Mr Barter says, "We will be reading Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and doing an essay on it later in the term"

I'm relieved, I've done this before in my old school, should be easy.

As class goes on I stare straight ahead, pretending to ignore the fact that Harry's staring at me with such intensity it scares me. But even though he's practically drilling holes into me with how hard he is staring, he's also separated from me as far as the desk will allow and... he appears to not be breathing, but obviously he must be.

As I lean down to grab my pencil that's dropped from the floor, which inconsequently means I lean closer to Harry, I see him lurch backwards and off the seat.


"Mr Styles, is something wrong?" Mr Barter asks sternly

Harry shakes his head and sits down quickly. I would've expected the class to laugh or be shocked at his sudden movement but they all seemed to have ignored it.

Oh right, he's Mr Big scary guy.

Harry's eyes seemed to have lost any green that I had seen in the before and now they're black. Coal black with flecks

That's really weird. How can someone's eyes change so dramatically?

Harry's gaze has gone form intense to murderous but only because his eyes show nothing but pure hatred in his eyes. I shouldn't care but I can't help but feel hurt.

What did I do?

Seconds before the bell rings, Harry shoots out of his seat and walks out of the door, his hate-filled glare unbreakable for the whole lesson, until he'd stood up.

I sigh, collecting my books before walking out of class to greet Stacy, who walks up to me immediately

"How was cla--Are you ok?" she asks, concerned

"Yeah, I'm fine. It was fine. Why?" I ask her

"You just...You look upset" she states

Fuck. Is it that obvious?

"No, were just reading Romeo and Juliet and it's a really sad story, you know?" I lie

"Oh, ok" she says, hooking her arm in mine as she leads me to my next class.

The rest of the day flies by and I don't see Harry anywhere. He seems to have just ...disappeared into thin air. But that doesn't stop my eyes from wondering around, trying to catch a glimpse of him.

But by the day's end and I'm back at home there's still no sight of him

I still can't get his beautiful, frightening face out of my mind.

And for some reason, that terrifies me even more...

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