Chapter 13: Channeling ➰

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Hi guys!

Just to let you know, there won't be much of harmony's dad's house mentioned in this book, therefore not much Stacy! Just to let you know, and if Harmony says the house she means HERS not harry's

by the way, the gif up there is Kate ha


"So, Harry, is Kate really stronger?" I ask, trying to divert the attention from me

"Yeah she is, though she must be weaker now, at least for the moment" Harry says, gesturing to Kate, who's still on the floor

"But never mind that, how did she have her powers turned on you?" Liam asks

"How DID you do that?" Kate asks, standing up though her legs wobble, weak

"Babe, you should rest" Niall cautions

"I don't want to rest" Kate snaps, "Rest is for the weak"

"I...don't know" I reply to the question both Liam and Kate asked me

"I just felt this overwhelming urge for what was happening to Harry to happen to Kate" I admit, guiltily, "Then I felt this rush of heat, like a fever or something but inside of me and I went into a-a daze then, next thing I know, Kate's screaming in pain"

"How did you stop it, the power" Zayn asks

"I heard Harry speak to me" I answer and see him smile out of the corner of my eye, "Then the heat left my body and she stopped"

"Interesting" Louis hums, "Maybe, with your of blocking powers, you channeled Kate's power and projected it back to her, instead of Harry"

"No" Kate says, "It wasn't that. Louis she had the same feeling as me, when I use my power"

The whole crowd gasps and Harry wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me to his chest as everyone stares at me

"What?" I ask, "It's just a feeling!"

"Yes, but it's KATE'S feeling not yours, normally when we use our powers we have a feeling, or we call it indicators, where we feel something either heat or cold, or pain or pleasure or sometimes a basic feeling like anger SOMETHING that indicates our powers are ours and taht we're using them. We feel it every time we use our gifts, and even if someone channels them, they're not supposed to have that feeling" Harry explains

"So I channeled her gift and the feeling? Big deal!" I yell. GOD, I hate attention

"It's not just that Harmony" Kate states, "When you used my power against me, I couldn't ward the attack off, which I can normally do when someone channels my power, but I felt it leave me. I didn't have my power when you were using it. Somehow you took it, that's how you felt my indicator when you used it, but then you gave it back to me, and that's why the pain stopped"

"That's unheard of!" Liam gasps

"Well it's heard of now" Kate spits, "I should try my power again on Harry, see if Harmony can channel it"

"No!" I say, standing my ground, breaking through Harry's protective arms so I can stand on my own

"It'll be fine, suck it up Princess" Kate snarls

"I...SAID...NO!" I scream and Kate falls to the floor again, I feel the heat rise up in me, taking control over my entire body as I watch Kate grip her chest in pain

"Harmony!" Harry yells, and I snap out of it

"Yep" Kate groans, "You definitely took my power for a second there"

"We should try out all our powers, see if she can channel them" Louis suggests

"Not today" Harry says, "I'm taking her home"

Harry moves me through the mob of siblings and leads me to grab my bag, escorting me out the door and into his car before I can even say goodbye

"Harry?" I enquire as we drive

"Yes?" Harry answers

"Are you staying with me tonight?"

"Only if you want me too"

"Of course I want you too"

"Then I'll be up when you're in your room" he states

"How will you know?"

Harry smirks and raises his eyebrow at me

Oh right.

Vampire powers.

"What about your car?" I query

"I'll drive it home and run to your house"


"Super speed, remember?"

"Oh right" I laugh at my stupidity, again

I suddenly realise we're out the front of my house. Wow, he drives fast.

"I'll see you there then" I begin to get out of the car but he pulls me back by the arm

"Wait, one thing first" he says and pulls me closer to him.

Our lips connect and I crawl back into his car and closer towards him, grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull his face closer to mine and I feel a heat much like the one I felt when I used Kate's power against her, although this heat blended with Harry's and it's like every fibre in our beings connected and melded together, like it was natural

Like we were a strange puzzle piece that fit together perfectly, completely different yet exactly the same

He pulls away, resting his forehead on mine

"I'll see you there"

I nod and jump out of the car as he speeds off, all traces left of the car completely vanishing, like a dream when you open your eyes.

I merrily skip to the front doors of my house and walk inside, only to be met with a screeching Stacy

"Hey, your home!" she squeals.

Oh I have NOT missed that

"Yeah, but I'm really tired so I just wanna sleep" I say, trying to get away

"What about dinner?" she interrogates

"Ate before I got here" I lie, although I'm actually not hungry at all

"Oh okay, sleep tight then. I'll tell you're Dad your home" she smiles, bounding away

Wow! She really needs to work on being just a little less perky. Well, that's what being a cheerleader gets you.

I run up the stairs and into my room, where Harry is already laying on my bed, eyes closed and looking so peaceful, godly and pale, he looks like a statue. A god carved out of marble.

"Harry!" I squeal, locking the door behind me and turning on the light as the sun sets "Someone could've caught you!"

"I would've caught their scent, don't worry" he chuckles, opening his gorgeous jade eyes

I roll my eyes and go into my bathroom to have a shower and change into pyjama's.

The hot water soothes my muscles and relaxes me after the tense couple of days I've hand. I wash my hair, grimacing when I spot the dried blood from Kate's attack and I begin to wonder why Stacy didn't question that of all things, and jump out, quickly getting ready and brushing the many knots out of my tangled end-of-ribcage length hair and walk out to Harry, who hasn't moved

I settle in next to him and he pulls me close to his chest, shifting his position to get as close as he can to me

"Harry, about tomorrow" I begin, but get cut off

"Don't worry, just sleep" he hushes me and he begins to sing me to sleep as he runs his fingers through my hair

His voice is beautiful and he begins to sing an unfamiliar song, I hear him say 'Story of my life' multiple times and his heavenly voice combined with the calming notion of his fingers through my hair I fall into a deep dreamless sleep.

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