Chapter 17: Birthday ➰

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The gif above is Stacy btw



"Hey, babe?" Harry whispers, shaking my shoulder, "I have to leave your sister's going to be knocking on the door soon"

"Step sister" I groan, turning to face him, "I don't want you to go"

"I know, but I have to" he says, kissing me lightly, "I'll see you later, when I help you move in. Oh, and uh...Happy Birthday"

"Wish me luck on telling my family I'm moving out"

"Luck!" he whispers, blowing a kiss to me.

I giggle and he disappears right as Stacy knocks on my door

"Can I come in?" she calls from behind the door, before she walks in

Why the fuck would you ask to come in if your just going to walk in! God, I can't wait till I move out! Argh!

"Happy Birthday!" she squeals, and squashes me in a bone-crunching hug

"Thanks" I laugh breathily as I follow her downstairs to the kitchen table where there's a spread of food, everything from toast to hash browns to eggs to bacon

"Woah, thanks guys!" I say sitting down and eating straight away, trying to push the conversation to later, rather than sooner

"So, presents?" My dad asks

"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything!" I protest as three boxes slide over to me, one medium, one large and one small

"Oh, we though it would be nice, do you not want them?" Marissa asks cautiously

"No, it's not that It's just...unexpected" I say smiling as I rip open the small one, revealing a woven bracelet with 'Sisters 4 EVER' written on it.

3 guesses who it's from

"That one's from me!" Stacy says, smileshining brightly

"Thanks I'll wear it all the time!" ...not!

I grab the medium sized next

"That's from me" Marissa explains

I open the present and see a medium size box with a purple glitter lava lamp inside

"Wow! I love it!" I say and mean it, it will fit perfectly in my new room

In my new house

Then I grab the large box

"Guess I know who this is from" I laugh lightly, as does everyone else and I rip the paper off, revealing a box to reveal an Apple MacBook Pro

"Oh my God, Dad! Thanks!" I say jumping u, giving him a hug in the process

"No problem" he says, shocked by affection after the lack thereof the past 5 months I've been here

"I have something to tell you guys..." I begin and they all nod, "Well, you all know that I have been dating Harry right?"

"Yeah, you spend like ALL your time there" Stacy teases

"Yeah well, I've decided I'm going to move in with him because...well because he proposed" I announce, getting it all out in a rush.

Harry and I decided it would be best to tell them now that we are engaged, makes it all easier and lets them adjust quicker.

Forks drop to plates and I hear a chorus of gasps

"What?" My Dad whispers, harshly, "Proposed? It's only been a few months!"

"Yes, Harry proposed, but we are not getting married until a few years from now, we know that's best" I try to comfort him but he's having none of it

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