Chapter 15: Serenity ➰

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Hey guys this book will go up to 23 chapters, i've calculated. Yes, I calculated I know Imma dork but anyway....the ending is all p;anned out so yeh... :)

Cant wait to get writing book 2 and game plan so wanna finish soon

after that imma stop for a little


if you think of one, comment it :)



"S...Serenity?" I stutter, falling to my knees at her sides.

That's when I burst into tears

"Serenity, I'm so sorry!" I sob, tears streaming down my face. I'm shaking so violently, Harry has to take me into his arms and restrict me to keep me from collapsing.

"Calm down, idiot!" Kate snaps, "She's still alive...barely"

"You" I snarl, "You BITCH!"

I feel rage pour through me as I channel Kate's power and send her to the floor, and I make sure I take every last ounce of her powers, so she'll feel everything. I watch her writhing in pain, screaming as she calls out for someone to help her and I smile

"Stop it!" Niall yells, "What are you doing to her?!"

"Why should I? She can't die. She just feels like she is, I want her to feel so much pain she can't tell if the sky is blue. I'm doing the worst I can think of...burning her alive, at least thats what she feels"

"Harry, STOP HER!" Niall pleads, holding Kate in his arms as she arches her back in pain, screaming even louder

"Harmony...stop" Harry whispers

"No" I growl, snapping at him

"Serenity will die soon if you don't heal her" Harry states, hitting my weak spot

I say, nothing, enforcing the pain to the furthest point I can for a split second, before stopping the pain flowing through Kate, and she collapses onto Niall's lap, breathing heavily, "I'm not sorry and I will hate you forever, Kate. I swear to God if I become powerful enough, you will suffer"

Forget attempting to be nice.

That bitch can go to hell.

I immediately re-channel Liam's power and I bend down to heal Serenity, placing my hand on her neck wound, which blood is still seeping from. At first Serenity lets out a shrill scream and her eyes fly open as she writhes in pain but eventually, the pain gradually recedes and she lies down, breathing heavily

"Are you ok?" I ask her, sitting her up

"Yeah, I'm fine but...What the FUCK is going on?" she demands

"Let me get you home and I'll explain later"

"I can't go home...I got kicked out, that's why you haven't seen me at school"

"Kicked out? Why?" I ask her

"Well, because I'm...I'm pregnant" she breathes out

I gasp in shock. She's only 17. Then another though occurs

"Liam..." I begin but Liam cuts me off

"The baby wouldn't be dead, don't worry"

"How many months?" I quiz, turning back to Serenity

"Only 1"

"What about...Jason?" I ask, referring to her boyfriend

"Left me. Can't handle the pressure of being a father I guess" she laughs, a tear slipping down her cheek I respond by grabbing her in a hug

"I am SO sorry" I whisper

"I have no where to go" she sobs into my shoulder

"You might, hold on" I say, remembering the other swarm of vampire around us

"Guys, can I talk to you all?" I ask

They all nod and walk over to me, Kate included but I turn to her

"Stop" I snarl, "You have no say in any of this, I don't want you opinion"

"That mean I'm out, too" Niall declares

"So be it" I snap

He nods, leading Kate away from us and back inside of the house

I stand in front of Serenity so she can't hear and so that I can protect her. I'll defend her with my life.

An hour ago, I was a feeble, powerless human.




Now, I'm strong, confident and as long as I can channel vampire powers....powerful.

"Can she stay here?" I ask

I hear a chorus of 'of course' and 'yes'

"No! No way" Kate says, running back out of the house

"Do you WANT me to send you to the floor again?" I demand to know, Kate shakes her head, "I thought I told you don't have a say in it"

Niall growls

"Oh shut up Niall" I snap and I see Harry smile out of the corner of my eye

"So I guess it's settled, she stays" Harry announces

"Good" I say, turning to Kate, "Oh and Kate? Touch her and I will kill you"

Kate says nothing, now apparently pissed that a 'weak' human can have so much power over her, especially by using her OWN power against her

I walk back to Serenity and kneel down.

"They said you can stay here" I tell her

Her eyes widen in fear as she scampers back on her hands

"I...I don't want to" she says with fear filled eyes

"It's okay. I promise" I promise her

"What about...the one who...ate me?"

"Oh, Kate? Don't worry, if she doesn't want to die, she won't touch you and besides Harry will look after you and...when I turn 18 tomorrow I'll move in" I state as Harry wraps his arm around my waist

It seems fast, too quick, and I would be lying if I didn't say the reason I wanted to move in would be to ensure Serenity's safety, but it feels right, I feel right.

This feels like home, no matter how soon

"You will?" Harry asks surprised and I turn to face him

"Unless you don't want me" I drop my head

"Always" he says kissing me lightly

"Harry Styles? Is one of them? AND your boyfriend?"

I nod and her eyes widen is surprise

"Oh, bitch! I need details NOW!" she squeals and I laugh as Harry kisses my head

Suddenly, I remember something, something incredibly important

"I need to talk to you, Harry" I announce as Serenity goes inside, after I assure her it's okay

"Sure, let's go up to my room" Harry says worried even though thats ridiculous.

I'm the one that should be worried.

I'm the one that has to tell him that I want to become a....


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