Chapter 5: Lunchtime ➰

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As fourth period increasingly come to a close, the more anxious I become for my lunch date, but not date, and soon I find myself drumming my fingers on the table, and bouncing my knee, a nervous habit I've been picking up the last 2 months.

All of a sudden the bell rings, signalling the end of 4th period and I start to bite my nails, a habit I thought I had kicked completely but obviously not.

Millions of questions keep circling in my head but one sticks out the most

Will he even be there?

I know he said he would be waiting for me but those are just words and it's not like he promised me and--

My thoughts suddenly stopped as I see him. He was there, leaning against a wall with one leg up and bent resting his foot on the wall, black trench coat, even though it's hot enough to cook an egg in the sun, cute curls, beautiful green eyes and all.


I stop in my tracks, vaguely surprised to see him there at all. He smiles at me and I almost stop breathing. His smile is like a million stars lit up and I suddenly realise that the smile was because I was standing there in front of him.

My stomach started to churn and I walked over to him

"Hey" I say, trying to sound calm and cool but it comes off as more of a whimper. Jesus Christ, Harmony




"Hey" he says, his voice so soothing I feel I could fall asleep, "Shall we?"

"Uh, yeah sure" I reply as I fall into step with him on our way to the cafeteria.

This is all so strange. This guy barely knows me, has barely talked to me and yet he's decided to have lunch with me.

Stranger so, I can already feel that there's a connection between us. It's unsettling, uncomfortable but at the same time, amazing and thrilling. It's a foreign feeling.

We reach the cafeteria and I walk inside, Harry close behind me and I spot Stacy waving at me from her table, I wave back unsure of what to do. I always sit with her and her friends, it's been a tradition since school started but I don't think I can take Harry over there...

"Are you coming?" Harry asks, his voice ringing throughout the cafeteria, causing a few startled pupils to shoot glances at me in surprise

I nod and walk over to the table he's standing at and sit down, pulling my phone out as it rings, indicating I have a text.

I know that it's Stacy and as I unlock my phone my suspicions are confirmed.

From: Stace

WTH are you doing with HARRY FRIGGIN STYLES? Like OMFG WTF?

I laugh at her use of internet slang which she has taught me all about in the last month.

To: Stace

He invited me. Sorry. Talk later.

I press send and hear a squeal form behind me. Oh good lord, that must be Stacy's reaction to the news.

"So uh, what classes do you have?" Harry asks, ignoring the sound, and instead starts up conversation.

"I will answer that, just wait, you'll see why" I mutter, "In 3...2...1"

Suddenly my phone dings saying I have yet another text from Stacy.

Harry raises his eyebrow and smirks slightly and I explain to him

"I know exactly when Stacy will text me"

"Ah. Right" he says, smiling at me which takes my breath away, quite literally as I start to cough

"Are you alright?" Harry asks, startled

"Yeah I'm fine...Just, ugh, don't do that" I mutter breathlessly

"Do what?" he asks, confused

"Smile" I gasp as he smiles again but it falters when I say those words

"Ok" he says looking slightly...guilty

Why does he look guilty, I should feel guilty for telling him not to smile

"You have no idea of the affect you have on girls do you?" I ask him, smiling

"Oh, I know" he says, chuckling, "I just ignore it to the point of forgetting. Sorry"

"Ahh. Womanizer huh?" I ask him, suspicious.

"I wouldn't say that" his voice is like honey, melting into my bones and making my whole body overcome with warmth

"I would" I say and his smirk drops

"Sorry to hear that" he says, "There's only one girl that's really caught my attention. Fairly new to town."

"Ah" I sigh, "Pretty? Smart? Blonde?"

"Yes, very smart and...vaguely blonde. Although I'd say astonishingly beautiful, not pretty" he whispers. I hadn't realised that our faces had become so close that I could feel his breath on my face.

I cleared my throat and leaned back, away from him before I could do something humiliating to embarrass myself in front of everyone.

That's when I realise the cafeteria is empty. Not one single person but myself and Harry.

"Shit" I mutter, grabbing my books

"Did you just curse?" Harry asks me

"Curse? What are we in the 60's and yes I just swore. Problem?" I ask

"No, definitely not a problem. Quite attractive actually..."

"Uhm...thanks?" I question, picking up my bag and grabbing my books, shoving them in

"In a hurry?" he asks, still relaxed in the hard plastic cafeteria chair, somehow still managing to look like a God carved of the most beautiful marble

"Yes. If you didn't notice the bell must have gone, so I'm late for class. Not ideal." I say, swinging my bag over my shoulder

"I'm skipping, going home early. You should come too." he states and my heart stops

"" I ask, surprised beyond words

"Well how else are you gonna get there?" he quizzes

"I...uh, I can't. I rode my bike to school. I can't leave it. Stacy will want answers too. Besides, skipping class, people will notice and we can't just walk off campus and--"

"Shhh" Harry says, pressing his finger to my lips, momentarily "I have my ways to get out of school, as for your bike I'll see to it one of my siblings drops it off and as for Stacy...lie"

"I really don't know" I whisper, startled by how close he is

Should I do this? I don't even know him...

"Come on, be a little reckless" he soothes, chilling me to the bone. My head is screaming at me to run, to hide, that danger is near...but my heart is telling me to go...

"Ok" I say

...So I go.

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