Chapter 2

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It had been a week since that bizzare day in the lunchroom. It was Tuesday, the day your little brother's party would be held. Of course, his friends would surely be attending. You knew exactly what this could mean. You thought about asking your parents if your could go over to sebastions. Though, when you called he muttered something like 'He would kill-' before the line went dead.

Once the call ended, you tried to think of what he could've meant by that. Why would Thomas want to kill someone just because you were at sebastions?

Because you wouldn't be here

You quickly dismissed the oncoming thought and went to your closet to pick a casual outfit.

You open your closet and look over the various items.

Which outfit do you choose? (Be sure to choose the one that matches your personality!)

1. Outgoing- sleeveless dress, ankle boots, bracelet, earrings, etc.

2. Shy, sweet- comfy sweater, blue jeans, comfy flats

3. Tomboyish- sneakers, short skirt, tank top.

The upcoming chapters will be labeled either 1, 2, or 3 based on the answer you choose. Skip to the one you chose above or read them all if you wish!

(Y/N)=Your name
(B/N)=brother's name

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