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He just smiled up at you and kept you afloat on the soles of his shoes.

"Fine. You wanna play?" Your smile mimicked his now, like a Cheshire cat. "Let's play." You jumped off his legs and felt the smooth, wet grass underneath you. When you got to the bottom Thomas was already there ready to catch you. He must have thought you might hurt yourself.

"(Y/N) chan!!! You could've hurt yourself!" His lips lightly brushed your cheek as a way to say 'thank goodness you're okay'. You appreciated the gesture. It was good to know someone cared. And it was so much better than him trying to murder Sebastion.


You haven't paid much attention to him in a while. Ever since Thomas commented on losing you to him. Sebastion doesn't seem to mind... much

"It's not like anyone would care." You teased, knowing he very would care if you so much as scraped your leg. He lifted your chin with his finger. You now realize the shade of his eyes. They're the color of mint but have the depth of an ocean.

"Are you kidding me? I spill my heart out to you in my room, make my lovely little sister into a slave to protect you, feed you food.... Did I mention food?" you laughed and patted his stomach. It growled underneath your hand and you rubbed it softly.

"Hungry?" He tried to discreetly lean into your touch.

"For you." He whispered in your ear, causing you to roll your eyes and thump his chest.

"Let's go make you some food."

"You are my food." Just as you got up, he tackled you again and pinned you down. "You have been hunted."

"I'm covered in dirt." You looked down self consciously at your t-shirt, which was now darkened and muddy.

"I don't care." He bent down and his eyes shifted from you to the ground. You now noticed the soft ringing that was your phone. It must've slipped from your pocket when you took the tumble of death.

"Who might this be..." He checked your caller ID like the stalker he was.

"Hello?" He answered the call as you mouthed 'give me the phone' but he didn't listen. "Yes, this would happen to be her handsome boyfriend." You reached up and wretched your phone away from him. The caller ID read 'Dad'. Was he trying to earn parent points?

"Hi dad, I'm sorry. That was my stupid friend, Thomas." You narrowed your eyes at him. "What's up?"

"Family meeting" your family barely have those anymore. This must be serious.

Food needs to be eaten to fill the empty void in your stomach. People need to be loved to feed the lonely heart in their souls...

(Proceed to chapter 6)

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