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After choosing a stylish dress with some boots you made your way downstairs to help your brother prepare for his party.

"What's up (Y/N)?" your little brother exclaimed, happily taking his cake out of the fridge.

"Would you like any help before your guests arrive?" his party was going to happen in the backyard, so he has to move all his party things outside.

"Can you take the cups and plates to the backyard please?"

"Sure!" you nodded, grabbing the items and following him to the backyard.

The moment the warm grass scratched against your boots, you relaxes. Surely everything would be fine. Even if he shows up. You set the plates and cups on the table by your family's trampoline and went back inside to grab more.

Before you, in the comfort of your kitchen stood the one and only Thomas. You didn't know his last name but you weren't sure you wanted to.

"Sorry I'll just..." you started up the stairs to your bedroom but a large, cold hand stopped you. A hand that didn't recognize you own.

"(Y/N) Chan! We have so much to do and so little time." he pulled you lightly, willing you to descend down the stairs.

Soon, six of you brother's friends had showed up and were all eating cake. You sat beside Thomas (because he insisted) joking and throwing cake at everyone. They all thought you were cool, but only Thomas truly understood you jokes.

After singing 'happy birthday' to your brother, you cooked everyone some yummy burgers.

"(Y/N) Can we talk for a second?" Thomas whispered politely, taking your hand that wasn't holding a burger. You felt the in his hold, but slipped your hand out of his grasp.

"Okay...." you were hesitant, though the look on his face made it seem important. He waved you inside the house quickly.

"(Y/N)" he grabbed your hand for the second time, your creeper instincts came in. Your hand bravely slapped his cheek. He stood holding his cheek due to shock, but continued still.

"You only act in such ways towards me because your hiding your feelings." he's being a bit irrational, dont you think? "but it's okay, you'll learn to love me soon enough." a small smile crossed his face. A dark, devilish smile. Before you could protest, his arms wrapped around your frame tightly.

Using your wits once again, you kneed him in the groin. He bends over in pain, allowing you to escape to you backyard. You go into the trampoline, surrounded by your parents, brother, and his friends.

You are safe. For now...
(proceed to chapter 3)

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