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After picking out a casual sporty outfit, you went to your parents room to ask them a question. Your mother sat by the open window that viewed the backyard. You took a small plastic box from your pocket. Inside the box held brand new car keys.

Your brother has wanted a car since he was twelve. So four years ago, you started saving up to but him just that. Right now, it sits nice and tidy in the garage.

"Wheres dad?" You asked. It was very unusual for him to work on one of your birthdays.

"He's trying to find the lighter for the cake." you shook your head and laughed. Your dad was always losing things.

"Do you think (B/N) will like my present?" your mother stopped doing the taxes and gave you a small smile.

"Of course! I'm sure there's nothing your brother would want more than to be able to drive himself." You nodded slowly, hesitantly looking at the car keys in your hand.

"Okay, thanks mom." You bent down to kiss your mothers cheek and dashed outside to join the marvelous party.

The party was not yet in full swing. Your brother's red headed friend, Michael, was trying to lick some icing off (B/N)'s birthday cake.

"BROTHER GETS THE FIRST BITE OF CAKE!" Using your sporty legs, you dig your heels into the dirt and sprint towards him. He stops mid lick and looks up like a deer caught in headlights. You tackle him but dont cause any harm towards him. A stupid from attacks your face.

"(Y/N)! Sebastions in the front yard!" the voice makes you shiver. It was Thomas. You found it best not to trust him. What has he done for you? Well there was that time in fourth grade...but you didn't need his help!

You climbed off of Michael and helped him up. You decided for now, it was best to ignore Thomas. Plus, you knew exactly where Sebastion was and it's not here.

"C'mon bud, lets go get my dad so we can light the candles and you can have that chocolate cake you've been dying for." you grabbed Michaels hand and dragged him into the kitchen.

You both look for the lighter because dad still hasn't found it. You found it and went to tell dad you found it. Michael went back outside to tell (B/N) and his friends.

Neither of them were in there, but standing behind the door is Thomas himself. When the door shuts behind you, you are met with sad eyes.

"Why let him touch you in such ways?" he whispered low, barely loud enough to be heard. He held your shoulders firmly, making you flinch.

"What are yo-"


"He's my friend and he never touched me. I tackled him!"

"Anyone else's skin against yours is like a fire ignited Inside of me." Fire...ignited...lighter. "I'm the only one who can touch you like that."

"Excuse me?" He wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close. Very close. Your chest was against his and his grip around you tightened. Think fast.

You wriggled out of his hold just enough to reach the lighter in your pocket. You opened the flame and pressed it against his arm. That was going to leave a mark.

"(Y/N) CHAN!" He screamed as you ran to the backyard. You got to the table just in time to light the candles.

"Oh and brother?" You pulled out the black box from your pocket.


"Here." You threw him the box and he knew exactly what was in it.

Happy birthday, (B/N). Happy birthday to you.

You are safe. But not for long.
(proceed to chapter 3)

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