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You were still unnerved by Thomas's actions at the party. You carried the lighter around at all times just in case. But surprisingly, he hasn't provoked you since then. Apart from the random letters he shoves into your locker occasionally.

The letters creep you out, but if that's what it takes for him to stay away, So be it. And part of him staying away means not accepting invitations to his house.

"I'll just give him a note telling him to leave them at the park." you muttered to yourself. Sebastion and you had planned to go there anyway. It was better than going to Sebastion's house. Thomas knows where he loves and would suspect something.

So at lunch, you scurried over to Thomas's table and set the note in his lap. You watched him read it. He furrowed his eyebrows, questioning your motives, but you just shrugged and went back to talking to Sebastion.

This angered him but be would not let it show. Not here. Not at school. He could deal with this later.

Ater school, you and Sebastion walked hand in hand to the park. You made sure to take your time, cherishing your steps as if they were your last. You had a feeling that something would to wrong. Sebastions firm grip and worried facial expression confirmed your suspicions.

A normal person would be overlooked it, but you've known Sebastion since fifth grade. When he first moved here. You walked halfway to the park in silence.

You weren't used to the silence. You were quite the talker and the loud chirps of birds and wind that rocked the trees just wasn't enough. You snatched a flower from it's roots and out it in your best friend's hair. A smile crept onto his face and this made you happy. Its good to smile, even when faces with danger.

"Are you scared Sebby?" It was rare of you to use this nickname. You know his name was beautiful, but this nickname always made him happier. He looked at you with piercing dark green eyed and you almost melted. He has stopped walking and held your hand in both of his.

"I'm not going to lie. He's not going to like that I'm there. At lunch, he was giving me the stank eye. So of anything happens, just know I will always love you.." He wouldn't have had to finish the sentence for you to know that. He knows you'll always be there for him, but that fact that he was admitting things to you scared you. Its too early yo be confessing things. They seem forced by the situation

"And trust me, he's definatley not going to hurt you. He's already planning your wedding." he rolled his fear filled eyes."just dont tell him I said that okay?" you nodded in assurance. You didn't want Sebastion to get in any more trouble than he already has coming to him.

"If he's not going to hurt me, then why are you coming with me?"

" I have to show him that he cant just steal my best friend away from me. I cant let him win." that sounded so competitive...maybe you're competitiveness in sports is rubbing off on him.

He sounded ready to face Thomas so you should be too. After all, it's just some stupid books.

"Okay." you gripped his hand tighter and the both the both of you jogged to the park.

When you got to the park, Sebastion was huffing and puffing so much, you thought he might blow a house down. You, on the other hand, were perfectly fine. You patted your buddy on the back and laughed. He really needs to get into shape.

"(Y/N) Chan! Hello! I see yluve brought...him." You turned to a once vacant swing set, which was now inhabited by Thomas.

"Well he is my best friend..." You looked around, at anything but the swinging boys the lonely slide, slippery monkey bar's, sweating Sebastion...

"Oh is he now? Then what am I?" I heard the chains creek as Thomas hopped off the swing. He stalked towards you. You productively stood in front of Sebastion.

"You hurt him, you hurt me." you growled, gripping the lighter so right that your finger turned purple. Still, it sat in your pocket, not yet lighten.

"You really do ignite the fire in me. Now answer the question. What am I to you?" You closed your eyes and thought for a moment. What was Thomas to you?

"The boy that saved me from a bully in fourth grade. The boy that got rejected by me at the middle school dance. The boy who always took pictures of me and my brother. The boy that's about to burn for trying to hurt my friend around me." that about summer it up. You took the ligher from your pocket and pointed it to Thomas's chest, flame out. He dramatically placed a hand over his heart.

"You really think I'd attack someone in the presence of a lady? Certainly not. But...." he smiled and grabbed my wrist. Hard. "What of I wasn't the one hurting him..?" He spun you around before you knew what was happening. The flames attacked Sebastion. If he was sweating before, that was no nothing compared to this. An earsplitting scream tore through the darkening sky.

You tried to tear your hand our of Thomas's hold. You tried to release the trigger, but he was far too strong. Thankfully, Sebastion jolted back before any real damage was done to his beautiful face. You bent down and bit the hand holding yours. Thomas yelped in pain and let go of you.

"Mackenzie!" He yelled angrily, cussing under his breath. He looked like he was fighting an urge. The urge to kill.

"Yes big brother?" a little girl, no older than seven appeared from behind an oak tree. She held a large syringe filled with clear liquid. This girl was obviously related to Thomas, they were spitting images of each other. They both has that crazy look I'm their eyes.

"Sedate (Y/N) please? I dont want a lady witnessing something so satisfying."

"As you wish." she slowly stalked towards you.

"RUN (Y/N) RUN!" Sebastion yelled, and went to try and fend off the little girl. Still, all he got was a stab by Thomas's sharp blade.

You cried out in Agony, perfectly in sync with Sebastion's wales of pain. You knew you were still being perused by Makenzie, but you didn't care. You loved this man.

Sadly, this gave her a perfect opportunity to fill your limbs with clear liquid. You fainted into Sebastion. Atleast you can say the last thing you saw was him.

You are Okay. Sebastion would be greatful.

(Proceed to chapter 4)

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