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After you picked out some comfy cozy clothes you (not wanting to be social) decided to read your favorite book about a girl girl who fell in love with a potential stalker. At first, the girl thinks he's cold hearted and cruel but in reality, he just has a wierd way of expressing his love for her.

When you got to a graphic kiss scene you creased the page and places it on your book shelf. You went over to your photo album and scanned through the various pictures. It took only a few photos to notice something. Thomas has been part of them all.

He wasn't in the pictures. He was the one taking them. When you skinned your knee learning to ride a bike, when you lost your first tooth...

You remembered it all. Him giving you the pictures he took. He always offered to take the pictures because your brother wanted to be in them. Your parents were almost always at work. He hasn't taken a picture lately. You guys stopped talking after elementary school ended.

"(Y/N)! Were about to eat cake and sing happy birthday to me!" your brother opened your door, dancing around like a child. You rolled your eyes and nodded. Lately, this has been your way of communicating. You weren't fond of talking to people, you never have been. (Except around sebastion ;)) So instead, you speak verbally. Using facial expressions and eye contact. Maybe that's why your so popular. Your quiet and listen pretty well.

You stood up quickly and followed him downstairs. By the time you had stopped reading, everyone had already arrived. You sat in the only available seat, beside Thomas.

After mouthing the words of the happy birthday sing, you nibbled at your cake. Usually you liked the quiet, but this was dead silent. You only wished someone would...

"Hey (Y/N) Chan! Can I talk to you for a minute?" everyone immediantly became suspicious so he added,"I wanna wish her a late happy birthday." He sounded sincere, but the sly smile he sent you told you otherwise. He took you hand, surprising you, and took you inside. He shut the door behind you and leaned against it.

The green orbs in your photo album were staring right into your soul.


"I know your not here to talk about my birthday." his brows furrowed and you immediantly covered your mouth with your hand. You didn't mean to speak. It just...came out! This was so unlike You! The only person you talk to is Sebastion. And this is definatley not Sebastion.

"So you can speak after all!" a kind smile appeared on his face and he grabbed your hand once again.

"What the-"

"Oh (Y/N), how vulnerable have you become? Don't worry. Nobody will hurt you as long as I'm around. I promise." you squeezed his hand accidentally. He sounded so sincere, it was hard not to believe him. But then you remembered the photo. You thrusted it to him and ran out of the door, sitting beside the boys in the trampoline.

"You okay?" your brother asked through the bet. You simply nodded and plates with your thumbs.

The picture in his hands. The only picture with Thomas in it. It was the two of you sitting on the climbing wall at school. Your head was on Thomas's shoulder. Tears streamed down your face. A bully named Ben had pushed you off of it. The next day, Ben disappeared. And so did Thomas.

You are safe. Fore he loves you
(proceed to chapter 3)

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