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He might be a little crazy, but you should Atleast give the guy a chance right? At lunch you gave a note to Sebastion to hand to Thomas. He looked up at you when he finished heading it. You blushed and turned around.

For the rest of the day, you were unbelievably quiet. You didn't even talk to Sebastion because you were so lost in thought.

At 4 o'clock, you were awaken with a sudden bravery.

"Is it okay if I walk home with you?" You found him at his locker collecting his things. He looked taken aback by your offer but agreed Immediantly. You walked in a comfortable silence. You communicated through eye contact and somewhere in those green orbs screamed 'I'm happy to have you here."

"We haven't even gotten to your house yet! You can't be happy to have me here when we aren't anywhere!" You fought the urge to laugh. You liked this side of yourself.

"We are here actually." He pointed to a snow colored house. It was especially the nicest looking one in the whole neighborhood. It was a small two story house with a balcony that overlooked a large lake. There were four windows in the front. Two on top, two on bottom. It looked cozy. You eased towards the door slowly.

"C'mon, there's no dead bodies in there." He took you hand, this time cautiously. He didn't want you to run away again. "Atleast not yet anyways." Your fingers stiffened around his. Of course he was just kidding.

Or was he?

He opened the door with his spare key and led you inside the warm house. The first thing you were greeted with was a small hi who looked a little like Thomas. She had curly long hair and an infectous smile. She say on a love seat that faced a flat screen tv. This must be the living room.

"Mackenzie, can you please give (Y/N) a tour really quick while I go get the study books?" she nodded aggressively and smiled a toothy smile.

"Sure." Thomas let go of your hand and went upstairs. Mackenzie took your large hand in her tiny one and led you to their kitchen.

"You're the first girl my brother has had over. You guys must be dating." If you had food, you would've choked so hard. Instead, you just stood there shaking your head profusely. Back to being silent, you thought.

"So you don't like him? What's wrong with Tom-Tom?" You sighed. This child made it hard to be silent. After a minute of silence, the child drowned. "Oh I'm sorry! You're probably one of those people that smokes and cant talk. If you want, I can teach you sign language. My mother taught-" you tuned her out. Does she ever shut up?

Until she said something that brought you back into reality.

"He said you guys are gonna get married. How can he marry someone who hates him?"

"I dont hate Thomas. If I did, I wouldn't be here right now. I would be at Sebastions." She tilted her head, reminding you of a confused puppy.

"Who's he?" this child asks too many questions.

"A friend. Can we please your the rest of the house?"

"So you're cheating on my brother..."

"No, were not even dat-"

"You are cheating on him!"


"I'm telling my brother!" She ran to the next room, which was uncharted territory for you. She ran up a set of stairs and you followed close behind.

"TOM-TOM! (Y/N) IS CHEATING ON YOU WITH SOMEONE NAMED SEBASTION!" You turned the corner and entered a wooden door just in time to see him crush a phone in his hands.

"Looks like there's gonna be a dead body in this house after all." He grumbled emotionlessly and grabbed a knife from his back pocket. You closed your eyes, preparing to be stabbed. Much to your surprise, he skipped right past you.

"Mackenzie, sedate her. She doesn't need to see this."

"He's big brother." He nodded and ran out the front door. You stood there frozen. What could this child possibly do to a grown woman such as yourself?

You're about to find out~

She ran to her brothers closet and grabbed a nice, sharp, needle filled with a clear liquid. Where were this kids parents?

"C'mere (Y/N) I just want a hug!" She squirted a drop of liquid out of the tube and a hole took the drops place in the floor. What if it burns a hole in me?

An adrenaline rush kicked in and you dove for the stairs. All your stuff muscles worked hard to push you through the house. Whilst running, you took out your cell phone and punched the first number you could find. Sebastions.

"Hello?" you spoke calmly, despite the situation. You were able to make out heavy breathing and trampled footsteps on the other line

"(Y/N)?!!! Please help he's chasing me! He's got a knife he's going to kill me!"

"Sebastion! Were are you!"

"I'm at central park please hurry I lo-" the line went dead and all you heard was static.

"SEBASTION...SEBASTION!" you have to get to him before a Thomas does the unthinkable to your best friend. You run outside and try hotwiring a truck in the driveway. Sadly, you are not experienced with such things. But hey, Atleast you tried.

You have Mackenzie just enough time to sneak up behind you and sedate you in the leg. Thankfully, no jokes were seem but you slowly felt yourself losing consciousness.

"Have a nice nap, (Y/N)."

You are Okay. Sebastion is not.
(Proceed to chapter 4)

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