Chapter 13

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Sorry, this took a while to upload. Also, forgive us for the super long chapter - it's the longest we've ever done tbh XD

Have fun reading this one ! Tell us how you like it ;)


Lance's POV:

    "Hey, hey Christopher didn't come back yet. It's been over four hours already. Should I call her, text her or go over to her house?" I ask earnestly to Adam. Adam came back home much earlier than I thought he would have. "No, no I shouldn't go over to her house. She'll know I'm not sick anymore."

    I walk back over to Adam's working area where he's diligently working. I tap on his shoulder consecutively. "Adam! Were you listening?! This is serious!"

    I grab Adam's notebook away from him. "Dude! Listen! Crystal didn't come back in four hours. Should I go look after her? What if she was kidnapped? Should I go beat them up to show off my charisma?"

"Give me your phone. I'll do it for you," Adam says. I nod and hand him the phone gratefully. If Adam wasn't here, I don't know what I would have done.

A few minutes later, he hands me back the phone. "Now, get out of my room and leave me alone."

He leads me out and locks the door before I can say anything. Confused, I open the phone and scroll through the texts to find what he sent.

~Crys101 joined the hangout~

#1Lance: I like you

Crys101 is typing...

SHE'S TYPING! My heart is starting to beat faster and faster by the minute. I can feel the tips of my ear burning up, my stomach starting to swirl into this uncomfortable feeling.

Crys101: Yeh nice! Idc

Did my heart just... hurt? Usually in books when a person heart beats faster and faster and pains, they are in love. Am I in love?

Adam. I will kill you.

#1Lance: Wait what. That wasn't me, I swear.

    Why is my heart still beating? Stop beating for once!

Oh wait.

Then I would be dead.

Oh shit, please don't stop then!

Crys101: I don't care.

#1Lance: Sure, but it wasn't me, okay?

Crys101: Lance?

#1Lance: What?

Crys101: Shut up.

#1Lance: But it wasn't me who wrote that!

Crys101: Well, it obviously was since you keep insisting it's not you

#1Lance: Adam wrote it, not me!

Crys101: Stop lying, Lance. It was you, wasn't it?

#1Lance: I swore!!!

Crys101: How can I believe you? You said Adam was coming home late.

#1Lance: I know I said that, but he just came back! Want me to take a picture or something?!?!

Crys101: He'll never let you take a picture anyway. I'll just somehow believe you, then. (I really don't believe you but whatever)

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