Chapter 16

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Recap of Last Chapter

"Will you date me? With marriage in mind?" He finally breathed out taking out a white box. He hands it to me and I open it, thinking it will be a pretty ring but what's inside is even better than a pretty ring.

"Did you specially order this for me?" I ask, showing him the ring with Christopher Columbus's face printed on it.

"Yeah," Lance says with a hint of a blush on his cheeks.

"I'm not going to date you but I will take this from you. So, don't be upset, Lamp Post, I didn't reject everything. Only the date but not the ring. So cheer up. Cheer up!"

Lance smiles get bigger all of the sudden. I stare at him confused. "So you don't want to date me. Then will you marry me? Since you did accept the ring?" Lance says grinning and showing off all his teeth.

Continuation Of Last Chapter...

Crystal's POV:

    "Y-you must be crazy," I scoff at Lance's choice of words towards me.

    "Only crazy for you," Lance smoothly says and winks.

    "Ew, I am not going to date you nor marry you in my entire life. Is this a dare or something? You hated me like so much and made me your slave sometimes and now you're telling me to marry and date you?!" I exclaim, even though I am really happy because of this proposal. But I want to know for sure that this is not some kind of trick. I've never dated anyone, so this is all very new to me.

    Lance's eyes stare at me in pain and his smile falters. He looks down on the grass and the fallen leaves surrounding us. "Oh-h... uh... b-but... I'm serious!"

    I smile, almost letting a giggle escape. Lance actually likes me! Well, his reaction makes it seem so.

So adorable!

    I take one step closer to him and tiptoe until I am at his height. I lightly blow into his ear and Lance turns around to look at me. I push my lips onto his and flutter my eyelids closed, wrapping my arms around his neck. Lance just stands there in shock of the kiss. After a few seconds, I pull away and a light blush meets my cheeks.

    "I was kidding," I whisper, loud enough for him to hear me, though.

"Which one?" Lance comes closer, his breath hitting my lips. "Answer quick. I'm getting impatient. I was waiting days for this moment." He eyes me very carefully and stares into my eyes.

"Date. We're too young to marry, stupid," I say leaning in to kiss.

A little kid chooses to come and ruin the moment by running over to the park. "Mommy, they were eating each other's faces like you did with daddy!"

The little kid's mother puts a hand to her lips and shushes him. She smiles at me and Lance. I shyly smile back.

"Aren't you sick? We should get going to your house before your dad begins worrying," Lance says, grabbing my hand. He suddenly stops walking and turns around but I didn't realize it so I walked right into his chest. Lance chuckles and crouches down on the ground. I look at his back in confusion. "Hop on."

See, that made so much more sense.

I wrap my arms around his neck while he wraps his arms around my thighs, standing up slowly. Lance's back is crouched a bit, balancing my weight with his. I look at his broad shoulders and notice how the muscles on his calf moves as he walks in a steady position.

His back feels so warm.

I rest my head on his shoulder and I slowly drift off into sleep.

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