Chapter 15

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Crystal's POV:

"I can't believe I caught a cold," I scream into my pillow. Why did I get a cold? I didn't play with the water! Did some ghost come at me in my sleep and take the blankets off me while I was sleeping peacefully? Meh, ghosts don't even exist.

I can't even help Megan or Lance in the restaurant! They clearly need help! I remember seeing a flood of people inside the restaurant today in the morning when Dad took me for a drive to get checked up for my fever. Dad already spoke to Megan over the phone, letting her know that I caught a really high fever and cannot help out for at most a week.

"Crystal!" Dad calls, knocking my door. "Silvia's here. She wants to speak with you."

Silvia? What does she want to say? Should I just tell Dad not to send her right now? I mean, I don't feel all that well. Who knows what she wants to say. I just think I'm not ready to hear any words that come out of her mouth. Or am I worrying too much? I think I'm worrying too much...

Dad told me a while ago not to strain my voice and talk loud, so I quickly take out my phone and text him "okay, send her in."

A few minutes later, the door of my room opens and in comes Silvia looking very depressed and sad and lonely, and all sorts of things. Rather, she looks like a mess!

She meets my gaze but squeezes her eyes shut and coughs into her arm, wiping away her snot with her sleeves. Is she sick, too? "Crystal, I feel horrible for what I did. I wasn't thinking and just hated you so much since you clearly had Lance's attention everywhere you went. I'm sorry for everything and I hope you forgive me. I just don't want us, cousins, to feel as if we have no one by our side. I hope to be friends and I hope you forgive me, once again," she says.

Speechless, I sit on my bed and think about it for a while. I snap back to reality once Silvia turns around to leave the room. I walk up to her and grab her sleeve, pulling her back inside. I give her a hug, a tear slipping from my eye. Her arms circle around me and she shakes, crying hard.

I finally have my cousin back.


Silvia leaves after making one of her delicious spicy soups. I begged her to make it spicy since I really like spicy food. Ah, today is a good day!

I suddenly check the date on my phone and it's when I realize that today's the day Lance has his music competition.

I can still go! It starts in fifteen minutes, if I can make it there in time. I grab my phone and stand up but stop when I sneeze.

I can't believe I forgot that I'm sick.

I slump back into my bed and audibly groan. What should I do? I really want to hear Lance sing! Sing for me, that is...

All I know is that I'm stuck in my home until my fever is gone.

For a moment, I sit on my bed, thinking of good story genres that I think I should write about. Romance? Nah. Mystery? Nah. Spooky? Perfect! But there's one thing I almost forgot to mention.

I'm too lazy to write a story.

For another few minutes, I dance and sing to popular K-POP songs in my room. Too bad I can't scream. The entire neighborhood would participate in a riot to kick me out of here!

I flop back onto my bed and groan when my shoulder hits the wooden headboard. As if on perfect timing, a text appears on my phone. I jump over the wave of books on the floor and take my phone out of its charging.

Travo67: Hi human being on the other side of this device...I am sorry for the attitude last time. We are besties aren't we. We get into fights but get back together again. I think this is the longest one we went through. The fight was child nonsense. We forgive each other right? Can we do that?

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