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I'm sorry guys I haven't posted I had a busy weekend and then fell asleep sorry but here's a longer chapter to make up for it ... Sorry it's a bit medical and I am by no means an expert as you will be able to tell but I've given it a go and I hope you like it .... Sorry it's a bit pants .

" Hi , I'm sorry Mrs beauchamp but graces dad is here . Jacob told me to come and find you "

"Um yes thank you I'll be there shortly"

She'd spoken without lifting her gaze from the floor but as Robyn lingered a moment too long, Connie looked to the nurse, assuring Robyn that she should leave. She watched as she turned and left her alone.

When the door shut, Connie returned to her previous state. Losing her comprehension of time, she sat for another 15 minutes in silence as the world blurred past.

Connie remained sat on the sofa unwilling to come face to face again with her ex . The time always seemed to fly by when Connie was in her office she didn't know why but she was nervous and that was a feeling  you could say Connie beauchamp had never felt in a long time she didn't understand why no one else had made her feel like this or anxious not even when she accepted Jacobs first date.
The thought of seeing Sam again was daunting, but the fact she could see her daughter for the first time in years and try to replenish a lost relationship with her daughter willed her to finally leave her office and venture into the small resus.

"Ah Mrs beauchamp I'm glad your finally here we were going to send someone to come and get you again - my girlfriend here is complaining of chest pains,breathing difficulties and her blood pressure has increased ."

"Um when did you become trained in emergency medicine ? go and stand outside and wait - I want ECG done Emma do you know of any previous heart problems in the family which you may be susceptible to ? "
"Um ... I don't know my mum maybe ... I grew up with my dad "
"Ah I see ... Any new pain?"
"Just my chest is tight" Emma said painfully through gritted teeth as every breath she was taking felt like a weight of concrete had been placed down on her chest
"Robyn increase oxygen and I want to see these test results ... Jacob can I get a chest drain please ... Sam why are you still here I told you to stand outside ."
"No chance Connie you know that that won't happen !"
"I think it will it's my hospital my rules unless you want security to remove you I suggest you stand outside last warning " 
"I'll be back love " Sam said before doing as he was told .

Emma was now stable she had had a bleed in the wall of her lungs due to her condition as it made permeable cell walls thinner with the medication she was taking to control her IBS which is why she was having stomach pains and problems breathing . She was just waiting on a theatre slot which could take up to 1 hour . Now she had to find Sam and had the pleasant job to inform him of Emma's progress . Wondering outside for a breather and to look for Sam she caught out of the corner of her eye grace perched on a bench hidden away in the flower garden . Connie was dubious to approach her due to the way she had been acting towards her but Jacobs words assured her that she had to speak to her and that grace was only acting the way she was as she was frightened so cautiously Connie approached grace who was on her phone with her back faced to her on coming mother .
"Hello , sweetheart" Connie said to warn grace of her presence .
"Hi" grace replied in return , she was grateful that her mum had came over as grace wanted to talk to her .
"How's em doing ?" grace queried
"She waiting for theatre but she's stable the last I heard but she's not out of the woods yet but things are looking promising ... Do you know where Your dad is I need to update him and ask him to sign forms for Emma's surgery but she's doing well baby she will be fine .... Anyway what are you doing out here by yourself ?"
"Ah okay that's good then and I haven't seen him not after I left when Emma was being treated ... Do you think I could go in and see her?" Avoiding answering Connies last question by changing the subject slightly.
"Um .. Yeah she may still be woozy from the extra medication we have just given her but she will be alright I promise " Connie stuttered , stunned as her own daughter really did want to spend time with this new "mother " Connie thought . Connie sighed it was becoming more evident that she really had lost her daughter , feeling disheartened and less enthusiastic to go and find Sam and have a grownup convosation with him she thought she could put it off for a while so headed back inside to tackle the one and only mission of paper work !

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