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Jacob drove her home as as her heightened emotional state made it unsafe for her to be behind the wheel. She had, once again, lost her daughter, allowing her ex to take her without putting up a fight strong enough to even create a sense of doubt within him about his actions.

The car had reached her driveway 10 minutes ago yet she sat, still, with her seatbelt on allowing the world to slip past. She couldn't remember how she came to being there, as the only thing on her mind was the mistake she made. She hated herself for not being able to prove to her daughter just how much she loved and cared for her. She wanted more than anything to be the mother she never knew before she went to America.

Connie stared at nothing while the same phrase played in her thoughts on repeat.

'It was her decision not to see you.'

Jacob's voice finally interrupted her self-loathing train of thought. His words didn't register but the softening tone in his voice was enough to distract her. Without realising, he provided her with a sense of security and comfort, something she had never really experienced before Jacob as non of her exes had given her that much security within a relationship before- she was venturing into a new world of love.

"Come on sweetcheeks, lets get you inside." He spoke quietly, almost tentatively, as though he was unsure about how to approach her, having never seen her so broken before.

He squeezed her hand gently, then undid his seatbelt collecting her bag and keys as she followed with an absent mind. He opened the front door, and taking her hand in his, escorted her to the sofa where she flopped down- all energy had been previously knocked out of her. She sat quietly although she had the same distant look in her eyes - which was now beginning to worry him.Making no effort to get her phone to check her emails or messages which was something neither of them were used to as Jacob had often and always passed comments that she was always working to hard.

Her pale cheeks were stained with streams of dry mascara, leaving evidence of the tears she had shed. Jacob unwillingly left her side but he went upstairs so he could bring her, her loungewear, knowing she wouldn't be moving any time soon and not wanting her to be uncomfortable in her work clothes through the night.

Laying them next to her along with makeup wipes and a warm cup of coffee, which he'd thoughtfully made in her favorite mug, he placed a soothing kiss to her cheek- a gesture that finally allowed a smile to grace her lips.

Jacob was unsure what to say , so now too was starring aimlessly around her homely living room. Bringing up work would only remind her that the colleagues who she strived to be seen as completely professional by, had seen her at her lowest of lows and could potentially upset her more, and she had had enough upset for today .

Charlie had kindly offered to lock up her office and reorganise her things in their usual precise manner, since the emotions that ran through her earlier caused her to lash out, leaving the room in chaos

Jacob was the one to calm her, to console her, the one to hold her and lead her from the building. The ED were sure to piece together that they were an item.

The gossip would travel like wildfire - although everything always did. No matter how hard you tried to keep a secret, it wasn't one for long. Everyone from porters to surgeons had witnessed how she had cried into him, almost collapsing in his arms. The crowd had all stayed to watch the scene unfold (despite Charlie's attempts to direct them back to work).

After collecting his thoughts, Jacob looked back to the sofa to see that both her and the clothes he'd left were no longer there. Sensing eyes on him, he turned his head to see her leaning against the door frame and he was taken aback to see her looking so immaculate.

'How long have you been there?' he said, standing from the sofa to invite her into a tight embrace.

'Long enough to see you baffled about how I'd left so quietly,' she replied as a chuckle escaped his lips. Even after everything she had been through today, the sense of humour that he'd always adored was still present.

He paused to appreciate the moment as he knew his next words could ruin it completely. 'Connie, I think we should talk,' he sighed. Noticing the look of worry that etched it's way across her face he smiled reassuringly to comfort her. 'It's not that sweetcheeks, I wouldn't even dream of it.'

'But after today, you know... things might be different. People at work.... they saw us.' He tried to read her facial expression but no avail as it seemed she herself didn't know how to feel.

'I know you didn't want them to find out just yet but in the moment I was more concerned with being there for you than keeping up appearances.' She studied him carefully as he continued to ramble.

'Look, if you really don't want them to know we can come up with something to throw them off scent but who knows, all might be forgotten by the time they go to work tomorrow which you by the way are not doing. I know you'll say you're fine but I've already cleared it with Zoe and she's happy to cover...'

He knew he was babbling and was just making no sense but he couldn't hide it now he had started and knew that she would want to know the truth. She was looking up at him whilst he continued to tell her. Sensing the nervousness in his voice she could tell how hard it was for him to tell her it all .

Desperate for him not to extend his nonsense she took advantage of his need to pause for a breath, she lifted her hands from his waist to his neck and pulled him closer as her lips passionately collided with his.

When they broke apart she stood still with her arms draped round his neck before saying "does that answer your question" letting out a smile that broke through her pouted lips. 'You can stop babbling now ' she smiled sweetly up to him seeing the confusion in his eyes as he was clearly expecting a different response.
"I guess that does ... But don't you mind that the ED know and your not mad "
'No because I don't care what they think and I shouldn't have to either... Jacob the reason I wanted to keep it quiet before was because as much as I liked you, I thought that like all my past relationships, it would end badly and I didn't want the ED gossiping about that heartbreak. But now I don't care at all who knows about us. I actually want to tell people. Tell them how amazing you are, how happy you make me and after yesterday I felt guilty that you had to go this morning just to make me happy because that's all you do, Jacob Masters...I think I may just be in love with you'

He couldn't believe the words she'd spoken, that someone as beautiful and perfect as her could ever be in love with him - the fact alone that they were going out was in itself a mystery but his thoughts were quickly pushed aside as he realised he was yet to say it back. As he opened his mouth in order to tell her just how much she meant to him, she placed a finger against his lips. And smiling warmly, she softly spoke.
' I know'

All Credit goes to Connie-S-Masters who again helped me with this . Thankyou so much I couldn't have done it without you 💕❤️😘

much love Ambs xxx

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