Elizabeth Farm was always teased about her last name. Her father was sort of weird and didn't talk to her, she was in a wheelchair, her parents fight with each other and bicker, and she wasn't allowed to go swimming. It felt like there was something...
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Around 30 minutes later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Her eyes are opening!" Libby said. "Shhhhh," I said. "That isn't the best thing to wake up to." She looked around for a minute while still lying down, then closed her eyes again. "What do you want?" She croaked. "We saved you!" I said. *Silence* "You didn't. I could hear you. And I'm not allergic to peanuts." "What?" Exclaimed Libby and I at the same time. Mary sat up and sighed. "I passed out because I hate fire." "But you're a demon!" Said Libby. "No I'm not . . ." "What do you mean you aren't?" I said. "You-you're a demon stepmother named Mary." " No, my name's Coco. The Mary you're probably talking about is a horrible creature, she is a demon Queen and a stepmother to Julia, an equally terrible person." "But Bridget met her in a dream and in real life and she tried to help us save our dolphin and I was going to get killed and-" "She's a liar," said Coco, interrupting Libby. "I've met her before, and she ruined some of my best businesses." "So you aren't a demon at all?" I asked. "No, actually I'm an elf!" *Pause* I noticed her ears were sorta pointy and big . . . And that she was really tall. "Why are you tall then?" I questioned her. "And why does everyone smell? No offense to you." Added Libby. "Elves are usually tall, and today is stinky Saturday. Don't you have a calender?" Said Coco. " Um ... We are from the water." Libby stated. "Oh, mermaids, of course! You're lucky I speak English - or any of those weird human languages. Most people here speak Elvish." Coco informed us about Julia and Mary and elves and herself as we walked to her house. I did not expect to arrive at a castle, complete with an old-timey drawbridge and a moat (there were no alligators or crocodiles). "This is your house?" I exclaimed. "Oh, yes, didn't I say I was a princess?" Coco normally said, like it was nothing to live in a castle. " No, you didn't! This is so cool! I met a real princess!!!" Libby jumped up and down excitedly. We arrived at the castle entrance, Libby still bouncing on her toes in excitement. Two short, stout guards held spears. I guessed they were elves, with their pointy ears sticking out of their hats, as they opened the drawbridge (one stepped on a stool to reach the lever). The elf standing on the stool quickly said something in a weird language to Coco.
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"So how do you translate Elvish to English?" I asked as we walked through a crowd of people-I mean elves. "It's very complicated," said Coco. "The elf on the stool said 'You may proceed, Princess Coco.' I prefer just Coco, but he is always formal." Coco takes out her bun and long, dark brown hair falls to her waist. "Libby, do you think we should go kill Mary? Should we do it with Coco? Or . . . Should it just be all over?" "What do you mean, 'all over'?" "Well, we could just go home, live normal lives as mermaids. . ." Coco stopped walking and spun around, with look on her face I don't know how to describe. "We're getting rid of that old demon. Together. No arguing-we're leaving right after I get this Epipen stuff out of my blood." Sheepishly Libby and I look down as we continue to walk up stairs and through halls to Coco's room.