Chapter 2

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\\ Elizabeth \\

"Elizabeth, I won't tell you again! Get down here, before I have to go up there and get you!"

Damn it, Mom.

I just tossed on my favorite romper and a pair of sandals and ran downstairs before my mother came upstairs to get me.

When we got outside, the new neighbors were already out there, waiting for us. Creepy.

There was a tall blonde kid who looked about as excited to be here as I was, but he was cute. I'll have to tell Bitchacho about him later.

He kept glancing over at me like every 5 seconds. I didn't know if I should stare at him because he was so cute, or to play it cool.

"Elizabeth! Can you at least pretend like you want to be here?" My mom whispered harshly.

"And this is our son, Luke." The old guy motioned over towards the tall boy whose eyes were trained on me.

I kept my face relaxed, "Yeah, hi, whatever. Can we go now?" I asked.

Luke looked oddly excited when I said this and quickly agreed.

"Go. If you really don't want to be here right now. I just don't want to deal with your sassy attitude anymore." My mother whispered.

I ran back to the pool as quickly as I could. It was just so awkward, I had to get out of there while I still could.

For some reason, he was following me.

I turned around and shot down his excited expression.

"Can I help you?" I asked, turning around to face him.

"Oh, um, I just wanted to get out of there, my dad makes everything ten thousand times more awkward than it needs to be." He ran his fingers through the back of his hair and laughed quietly.

"Tell me about it, my mom's middle name is awkward. I'm Elizabeth, but you can call me Beth for short." I stuck my hand out.

"Well, I'm Luke and you can just call me short because, well look at me."

His 6'4" figure actually towered over my 5'6" frame.

"You're short? In what lifetime?" I laughed.

"Oh, sorry, I meant you." I eyed him and gasped.

"You think short people can't talk back? Because I can certainly guarantee that is not a bet you'd like to make." I crossed my arms and smirked.

"Sure, I guess. Whatever helps you sleep at night." He crossed his arms and matched my position.

"You're a sassy one, aren't you?" I asked.

"That depends, do you like it?" He asked.

"It's not like I don't like it." I turn around and bolt back to my room.

"Don't you have a box to unpack?" I yell down from my window. He smiles and laughs.

"I'm sure we'll see each other again, we're right next door!" I say as he runs back into his new house.


Thanks for reading! Keep going!! :)

Love, Maddie and Stacy xx

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