Chapter 4

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\\ Elizabeth \\

My best friend, Rachel, picked me up earlier than normal for school the next day.

"Hey, Beth!" she exclaimed.

"Hey!! Why so early?" I asked her.

"Duh! Because we need time to talk about your new neighbors! Any cute guys?"

"Actually, there is one."

"Ooh! What's his name? Tell me everything!"

"Okay. So, his name is Luke. He has this really strong Aussie accent, and he has this really attractive lower lip piercing. And his hair is spiky blonde and is adorable!!"

"Wow! He sounds like the total package!!" she exclaimed. She sounded a lot happier than I was.

"Yeah, he is! But I just don't know what to do about it, though. I still want to keep my options open, you know what I mean?"

"Yeah, of course I do! Well, hopefully we'll see him today!!"

"Yeah, hopefully..." I was actually kind of nervous tbh. I looked out the window for the rest of the ride to school.


\\ Luke \\

I was so nervous to go to school that morning. I didn't want to make a fool out of myself because I'm the new kid. Especially in front of Elizabeth. I just really want her to like me, but I just don't exactly know how to talk to her. Thank God one of my best friends, Ashton Irwin, was going to be at that school, too, so I wasn't alone.

"Hey bro, what's up?" he shouted all the way from across the school hallway.

"Hey! I'm so glad you're here, bro. I have tons to talk about. And can you please quiet down? That was not necessary."

"Sorry, I'm just really excited for our first day at a new school together!!" he gave me a huge hug.

"Haha yeah, me too." I said, not as excited as he was.

"So what class do you have first?" he asked.

"Um...History. You?"

"Ugh, I have English. Well, I'll catch you later, alright? Text me."

"Alright cool. See you later." he was gone pretty quickly.

When he got to his first period class, he saw Elizabeth there.

"Hey." he said as he passed by her.

"Hey." she responded.

At least she said "hey." We're getting somewhere!

The teacher went on and on about the presidents, but all I could think about was Elizabeth. 

How am I going to show my love for her?

By science, which I also had with her, we got to pick our lab partners. I was walking over to her, until I saw some other guy sit down next to her. I could hear their conversation.

"Hey Beth!"

"Get away from me, Daniel."

It seems like she really doesn't like this guy.

"What's wrong? I thought you still want me."

"No. Not anymore."

"But I remember when you liked this." he was trying to kiss her and be sexy, but she was pushing him off.

"Get off!" she screamed. Just then, I ran over there and pulled him off of her and said, "Get off of her." I had to be protective.

"Oh yeah? And who's going to make me? You?" he asked me.

"Yes." I said, and punched him in the face. I knew he was going to do something back, but now I was ready for it. He punched me harder, knocking me to the ground and giving me a bloody nose and lip. The teacher broke up the fight and sent Daniel to suspension. Thank God.

"Thank you, for what you just did there. That was really brave of you." Elizabeth said to me.

We're making progress! Yes!


Keep reading! Thank you so much! :)

We love y'all! <3

Love, Maddie and Stacy xx

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