Chapter 5

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\\ Elizabeth \\

After that fight, I went straight to talk to Rachel about it in lunch. I vented to her about everything.

"Oh my God! Is he okay?" she asked.

"No, not really. Daniel gave him a bloody nose and lip."

"Damn! Well, at least he saved you from that douche! That was very heroic of him!"

"Yeah, it was."

"Ugh, I'm just so glad that you broke up with that guy, anyways. You made the right decision."

"Yeah, I think so, too."

"You should go and see him. He's probably in the nurse's office."

"Yeah. I'll go do that."

When I got to the nurse's office, he wasn't there. I decided to go and look for him. Maybe he went home.

When I got to the house, his parents were the only people home.

I have to find him! Where could he be?

I texted Bitchacho.

\\ Elizabeth \\

Me: hey

Bitchacho: hey! what's up?

Me: okay, so this guy, Luke, he got into a fight with my ex today.

Bitchacho: ooh! I'm liking this! tell me more!

Me: my ex tried to sit next to me in science, and then he kept trying to kiss me and turn me on.

Bitchacho: was it working?

Me: lmao no. he's a douche. ok anyways, so when i kept telling him to get off of me and he wouldn't listen, Luke came in for the rescue! I've been looking for him all day to thank him, but I have no idea where he is!

Bitchacho: try looking for him in the woods.

Me: how would YOU know where he is? do you know him or something?

Bitchacho: lmao yeah we're like best friends.

Me: and you didn't teLL ME?

Bitchacho: you didn't ask.

Me: i hate you.

Bitchacho: awww :/

\\ Elizabeth \\

So I listened to Bitchacho and looked for Luke in the woods behind our houses. Thankfully, he didn't go too far. I found him about a mile in.

"Hey." I said. He was sitting against a tree, looking down. He looked up at me immediately when he heard me.


"How's your face? I see that it's not bleeding anymore! That's good!"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Thank you. For what you did today. I honestly don't know how to thank you enough."

"No need. I just did what I had to do."

I sat down next to him.

"Well, thank you."

"You're welcome..." he smiled at me with the cutest little smile.

Does he like me?


Thanks for reading! :)

Love, Maddie and Stacy xx

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