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When your mother gets worried about you and she starts a prayer. It starts off softly and you thinkin this can't last more than 5 minutes.

5 minutes have passed and she's gotten a little louder and you're thinking ok she's just worried but could she hurry it up a bit? Then she puts her hand on your head, stomping all over the place, shaking you around as she calls for the hand of God to guide you wherever you need to go.

15 minutes of praise have gone by and she finally finishes. You think it's over then she tells you, that the streets aren't safe (as if you didn't know that). You need to watch yourself at all times...and know that God is on your side. You might as well prepare yourself for the minimum 10 minute lecture about the dangers of the outside world and how to protect yourself from them.

Btw I send my thoughts and prayers out to the families of those who lost their lives in France and right here in America.

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