Chapter Four

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I heard it again that Sunday night.

I could almost make out the word help in the screams but I didn't want to listen too intently. When it woke me up, it wasn't as powerful as it had been the last times. The noises were still coming from the creepy bathroom and the knocking on the walls was a little weaker.

Given the low spirit I assume, I gathered all the remaining strength in me and tried to inch my way towards the bathroom door. I've learned my lesson on keeping the door shut, so turning the doorknob this time was a bit difficult with my trembling hands. I opened the door and as soon as it swung to the other side, there was a scream.


The constant knocks suddenly turned into loud smashes on the wall.

I hurriedly shut the door and crawled back under the covers. Hiding. Shaking. Frightened. I was somewhat sure I could hear a desperate "Nooooo"  as I turned off the bathroom lights, but I just shrugged the thought away and shielded myself under my blanket.

It wasn't a good night for sleeping, once again. I kept waking up, paranoid that the demons might possess me in my sleep. I don't know how much longer I would be able to live with this, but one more occurrence, then I swear I'm going to break.

"Geez Ellie, look at you." Chastine commented oh-so-sweetly when I walked into class the next day.

"Thanks very much Chast, you do know how to make a girl feel special." I sarcastically answered.

She twisted in her seat to face me, "No seriously, the demons out to get you again?"

"Apparently," I sat down my chair and placed my bag on the floor, "I am soooo tired, you have no idea."

"I think I can see the evidence."

I glanced at her and gave her an evil squint.

The day only grew worse when second period came; Filipino.

"Magkakaroon tayo ng pagsusulit bukas sa Kabanata 1. Maghanda kayo at ito'y magiging parte ng inyong grado." (We'll be having a quiz tomorrow on Chapter 1. Prepare yourselves since this will be a part of your grade).

Are you kidding me? I'm already sleep-deprived and they're going to deprive me even more just to study? 

I may have grown up in San Francisco, but I clearly knew how to speak Filipino since both my parents are. Despite the facts, I still found this subject so darn difficult! Kudos to our Filipino professor for announcing the quiz a day before. Sarcasm intended.

Now I was compelled to study extra later. Great.

I arrived home by five p.m. and immediately took a nap on the couch to catch on my insufficient sleep and to make up for the hours that I'd be losing later. It was seven when I woke up and my mom just finished cooking dinner.

"You know you're going to cook for yourself once I'm gone." My mom said as an introduction when I entered the dining area.

"I know, I know, I'm just exhausted." I scratched my eyes and dug in like a pig.

My dear mother was kind enough to wash my plate this time and immediately send me off to my room to study. I jogged my way up the stairs and to the end of the hall where my beloved room was.

I didn't think this through. If there was anything valuable that I lacked in my room, it was most definitely my own study table. I had my books stacked on the top of my drawers but having an actual table to study on failed to cross my mind. Not this early into college perhaps. I smacked my hand on my face then improvised for the mean time.

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