Chapter Twelve

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I stood at the end of the staircase staring at it.

The place that I had denied on acknowledging this whole time.

There it was, screaming for my presence.

A whole bunch more of failed attempts to bring Jasper into freedom went on, until a place that I refused to recognize unexpectedly caught my attention. It was calling out to me like a bird chirping for food. The terrifying place that I've feared since the day I moved into this house; there it was, just a staircase away. The attic.

The simple thought of stepping my foot on the steps caused shivers to rush throughout my body. I stared at it in this dimly lit hallway and felt even more frightened as I heard a light knock on the wall to my far left. It was most probably an external factor like a branch, but my brain apparently loves perceiving it as a scare. My mind—being triggered with fear—was ludicrous enough to imagine a human-like shadow standing at the other end of the steps. Stupid, why did I have to think of that? Fear conquered my body in an instant and I expectedly found myself rushing to my room and taking cover under the blankets. My heart was pounding because of something I had put on myself. I left the lights turned on as I stayed under my blanket, shivering in fear with a foot out. I shifted my head to the clock. 11:32 pm.

It was late at night so I figured it was the reason why my emotions were heightened to a certain level. I didn't see it coming, but tears were starting to block my eyes as several thoughts clouded my mind. I felt vulnerable than ever. I was terrified of the shadow I had pictured a while ago, I was mad at my inability to get Jasper out, and I was devastated for not trying hard enough. I was afraid of my own imagination. I was blaming myself for everything. All of these were just getting to me in one massive drop.

I eventually gave in and let the tears loose. I cuddled my pillow tightly and stayed in a fetus position for a while before letting the tears run freely to the side. The next time I checked the clock, it was 11:40. I sat up the bed sluggishly and wiped the tears on the back of my hands.

I found myself dragging my feet into the bathroom with my arms wrapped tightly around the pillow I was cuddling. I was filled with hesitation before I eventually opened the light switch and let myself in. I felt like a lost child searching for his mother.

"Jas?" I said unsure, gripping the pillow tighter. "You awake?" My voice cracked and it only revealed how much of a coward I was.

"Ellie? Yeah, everything okay? I thought you were going to sleep."

At this point I hated myself. I hated how I couldn't control my feelings and just allowed my voice to fade into an evident cry. "I- I can't." I gasped for air as the tears were uncontrollably falling down my face like raindrops. I felt defenceless.

"Shh, shh," I heard him say in a comforting way, "Come sit down beside me."

I did as instructed and just listened to his calm and serene voice. I sat by the hole and placed the pillow over my head for convenience. I shakingly inhaled and exhaled loudly like I had asthma. "Don't be afraid, I'm here." He constantly reassured. I didn't speak. I just let his voice envelope me into an embrace. He was physically absent, but I knew I was under safety.

I wished I could do anything sooner. However, it seemed like there was nothing I could do but wish. Hopelessness struck me once again, but I refused to notify him for the hundredth time.

"I don't want to go to the attic." I said, out of the blue.

"You don't have to if you can't Ellie. We're not even sure if there's anything up there."

I assumed he was only saying that because of my current state. But deep down, I knew, another part of his life was blown away from him.

It didn't take long till my eyes started blinking constantly, trying to stay awake and hear the sound of his voice. But it seemed like they were growing heavier and heavier with each word he spoke.

I was finally comfortable.

My mind was half awake and fainting, but I was pretty sure I heard him say "I deeply admire you Ellie. You're all that matters" before I fell into a deep night's sleep.

I decided to conquer my fear. If Jasper was able to live with his fear for at least four months, then what makes it oh-so-impossible for me? Just because of my past phobia with ghosts? I was quite sure I had conquered that dread when I learned that the creepy noises were coming from Jasper all this time.

I went up the attic early the next morning, without Jasper's knowledge. I predicted going up at this hour would make me feel safer than actually risking to go at night when creepy crawlies could jump out at me anytime. The rosary my mom bought me served as a massive guidance as I had it in my pocket while I took on my journey.

I didn't think I'd make it to the first step. But before I knew it, I was standing in a whole different room, gazing at the interiors. The temperature in here was warmer compared to the other rooms on the second floor, and the air was, well, evidently humid. The floor creaked with each step I made as if I wasn't paranoid enough. It was wooden and felt lighter than usually cemented floors. The room was spacious and appeared to be at least twice bigger than my own room. I went deeper into the room and started doing what I came here for: investigating.

There were several closets at the far left that seemed like it could lead to what I was searching for. However, I ended up opening the final closet door and still attained zero progress. I made sure I looked through each corner of the closet and brushed off any dust that could be a possible hindrance. Nothing seemed to have worked.

As I was walking to the right corner of the room however, something caught my attention on my way. It shined at the middle of my path like a diamond, completely grabbing my attention. I didn't know why it felt so darn familiar. The sparkle seemed like something that I've seen before, I just couldn't quite point out why.

I eventually decided to verify what I was seeing and dashed to it in a jog. It was a silver coin. It all seemed like a happy jog when I ran towards it, but all of that joy was taken away when the floor beneath me suddenly falls.

The wooden floor that felt so light eventually gave up and crashed down. I felt my soul leaving my body as I fell an awful far drop.

My body slammed severely on my side and I instantly had a terrible ache in my arm as it saved my fall. Hopefully I don't crack a bone. I tried lifting myself up using my arms, but I fragilely stayed there instead, horizontally laid on the floor. I grunted in pain.


A voice caught me off guard. It was too familiar. My eyes fluttered open right away and the first thing I saw was him. There he stood, inches away from me, standing at the corner of the room where there was a tinge of light coming from a hole.

It's him.

I found him.

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