Chapter Eleven

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I'm making my first move to get Jasper out.

A major quiz in Biology Lab awaits me on Tuesday, so I basically had to rush back to my books no matter what result we end up with today. I absent-mindedly labelled this day as the real deal since I was finally attempting to do something. Plus, I had my heart set to bring the sunshine back into this boy's eyes.

Coming up with our idea was sort of a light bulb moment for me. I was stuck with zero ideas, as usual, when a picture of the room crossed my mind in a glimpse. It flashed before my eyes vividly that it felt like I had actually been there. I noticed the way the light bulb swung at the top of the room like it was going to give up at any time; I heard the rushing of water through the rusty metal pipes; I inhaled the air that reeked of death and a rancid stench; then I saw the peculiarly installed door at the end of the room.

"Wait!" I called out for Jasper's attention as the thought hits my mind.


"Where does that door lead to?"

It took him a while to answer back as he was probably wondering what exactly I was referring to. However, when it eventually hit him too, he ended up with the same thought in mind. "I got your idea." I could feel him nodding along.

"Do you know?"

"No, I don't know where this door is particularly in the house. But what I know is; it's not easy getting here."

I visualized the room in my head. With the help of Jasper's pictures I had viewed days back, it was easier to put things into place. I tried to make out the distance of where the door was positioned, and where exactly it could possibly lead to in my house. "There must be a passageway."

I pictured his room and examined the way it was located next to my own room. My room was positioned at the end of the hall. I wouldn't think there's a possible passage coming from the next rooms that could lead to the door in Jasper's room. Right? Wouldn't that just lead me further? "Hold on." I rose up and went out the bathroom door, then into my bedroom to start exploring. I inspected my wall and searched for anything out of the ordinary. I tried investigating for anything that was hidden; I knocked on the walls, searched for unnoticeable lines through it, moved my bed and furniture, but all I got was a plain blank wall staring back at me.

I went outside the room like an instinct. I stood in front of my bedroom door and looked intently both ways as if I was in traffic. To the right was another bedroom door, and to the left was a plain wall that looked of no use. The room to the right was even more doubtful to be of any help since its location was only further to where Jasper was. Although, being the dubious person that I am, I gave the plain wall a chance.

I knocked on it; slowly and then harder. I took out each of the picture frames from their hooks to detect if anything was obscurely hiding behind it. Everything was placed back eventually when I knew I wasn't benefiting from it. I suddenly felt the urge to break the wall down, but then remembered how I was the one refusing to do this idea in the first place. "Jasper! Do you hear me?" I attempted calling out but I didn't get an answer.

There was nothing peculiar about the wall. There was no possible door or secret lever to lead me to where Jasper was. I knocked harder, hoping for some high tech knocking code to be activated. However, all it resulted to was my shame. I shook my head then went back into my—now messy—bedroom. I returned to scan the plain white wall, failing to return the bed and drawers to its proper position. I checked behind the curtains, opened random closet doors, and peeked out the terrace like a lunatic. I was hoping for any faux book cases or shelves, even though not a single bookshelf was in sight.

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