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apparently Anastasia didn't want to sleep by my side anymore at about three am. she wanted a bottle and to be held. I calmed her cries within the first minute so it didn't wake the boys up.

I made her a bottle while bouncing her in my arms. it was warm for her sensitive touch. she started gobbling it down. my legs were starting to get tired so I traveled silently upstairs to her bedroom. in the corner was a rocking chair.

I made sure she wasn't going to cry with the rocking but she loved it. I burped her halfway through and then let her finish the little bit left in the bottle. when her eyes fluttered closed and she stopped eating, I carefully replaced the bottle with a pacifier.

then my eyes closed and we rocked to sleep.


Sammys Pov

in the morning I woke with a fuzzy head and a warmth absent from my bed. then I remembered. it nearly suffocated me. my baby was gone, and all I have is my kid to remind me of her.

to avoid crying I went to the bathroom and distracted myself with my normal business. then I went downstairs to where my baby was.

except Nate was asleep alone on the couch. that's weird. then i searched the house, finally ending with her room.

Alessandra was asleep in the chair, my baby snug in her arms. both of them were asleep peacefully. I felt bad for having her watch my baby but I just wasn't okay. my insides we're screwed up, because I know I'll never see my girl again.

again, I had to distract myself. my feet carried me downstairs to wake Nate. he was confused too why al wasn't next to him. I simply led him upstairs. a smile filled over his lips and he even took a picture.

Wilks daughter is a sweetheart. then he posted it on snapchat. "what do we tell the fans?" I asked, "I mean all her family knows, I caught up with that stuff the few nights before we took the baby home. but the fans... they loved her." Nate sighed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"tell them the truth sam. dedicate a whole book to how much she meant to you and how much you loved her. they deserve to know the passion between you two." I nodded and leaned against the doorframe overlooking the white room.

"I'm worried that if she sleeps with me, I'll make a wrong toss and hurt her." I admitted truthfully, glancing at the big diaper collection. "I dont even know how to change a diaper nor if they come in different sizes!" I groaned. stassie was going to train me with this stuff herself, and now I'm alone.

"al knows her way around children. ask her your questions! or your mom." I nodded Nates way. then the rocking chair began moving. al yawned and started rocking the baby again.

"I'll help you, Sam." she said in a raspy voice. "I know lots and what I don't, your mom definitely will. you should call her today, she'll definitely come down." I sighed.

my mom loved Ana, I know that. but she never knew we were pregnant. she never even knew I proposed. it would probably go rough quick.

"okay, okay." I finally gave up. my eyes went back to my daughter. I was doing this for her, because Sam Wilkinson is going to be the best father she'll ever have. "but al and Nate," I paused. should I? I should. "would you be Ana's god parents?" al smiled brightly and nodded, looking down at the little girl in her arms.

"we would be honored, Sam." she stood and walked over to me, handing me Ana. then she left to do whatever. Nate stood beside me and stared down at the baby with me.

"she's gorgeous, man. you're going to have to fight off a lot of boys." I laughed at that.

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