Chapter 1

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Message from the author: This is a fanfiction so not everything will be factually accurate. Also, this is my idea of what werewolves would be like so they may not match up to yours. I use strong language and mature themes in this book like violence, gun violence, suicide, mental health issues, etc. I try to include trigger warnings for parts with mature themes(e.g. violence). Please comment if I forget to add the trigger warning. That is all! Happy reading. :)

Louis pov

I woke up naked, covered in dirt. My face was caked in blood. Surprisingly, this isn't a rare occurrence for me. It actually happens almost everyday. I picked myself off the ground and walked through the trees. I have most of this forest mapped out in my head. Sure, the trees change and things get moved about but I always manage to find my way home.

I live in a small one-storey house. I stepped in and sprawled myself across the mattress. I didn't bother to throw on any clothes since I have no neighbours and it's best kept that way. I'm a danger to other humans.

Just before the sun sets, I wake up and go outside. I lock the door and hide the key in a hole in the ground. When night fell, I changed. My nose turned into a snout. I back hunched as I stood on fours. Fur grew all over my body. My teeth extended into fangs.

This happened every night. Most stories say werewolf only come out when there's a full moon but that's not true. I become this monster every single damn night. I vaguely remember anything that happens while I'm a wolf. It's all like a hazy dream. I know that I become a killer. The desire for blood always drives me crazy. I just want to eat anything i can. I've tried to control it but I can't. Once, I locked myself in a cage before I changed. I went insane. I gnawed at the grills. My gums hurt so badly. I jumped up and down trying to break free. I woke up in tears. I didn't like it.

Louis' wolf pov

I could hear everything clearly. I heard an animal nearby. It was a small animal probably a rabbit. As a human, I'd walk along and mind my own business. As a wolf, my animal instinct told me to kill it. I couldn't stop myself even if I wanted to. I ambushed the rabbit. It tried to run away but I chased after it. It didn't take me too long to catch it. I took a bite into it. I pulled the meat from bones with my mouth.

I was done eating that rabbit. I heard another animal move among the trees. No. I heard two animals move. They were deer. A mother and her child lay down on the forest floor for a rest. I circled them. I plan on getting the baby. The mother closes her eyes. I pounce forward to get the kid. Some other wolf had the same idea. How did I not notice it? We collide into each other. My meal flees away. I gave chase. The other wolf chased too. I lunged at the deer. I miscalculated. My body was sent flying and a branch hit against my body. It scratched through my thick fur coat and onto my skin. The deer and her fawn manages to get away.

I growled at the other wolf. I was in pain but not enough pain to forget that I was furious. Our eyes lock. The wolf barked at me. I bared my fangs. I stepped forward. It didn't back down. It leapt at me. I dodged it. I pounced onto the wolf. I tried to bite its neck but it pushed me away with its paw. It all happened so fast I barely remember anything. One moment, I get scratched. Next moment, I scratch back. We went back and forth. Scratching, biting, tackling. 

Then, we tumbled down a small hill. My head hits the ground. My neck was crushed under the weight of my body at an awkward angle. Next moment, my head is in the air. Then, it's on the ground again.

We stopped falling. The wolf hit its head on a sharp rock sticking out of the ground. It fainted. At least I think it fainted. I don't think it died. Maybe it died. I don't know. It lay lifeless with its eyes shut. There's an open wound on the side of its head. I can see its skull. There's a lot of blood.

I landed on top of the other wolf's torso. I got up. I tried to walk but my leg hurt. I probably injured it in the fight or during the fall. It doesn't really matter. My entire body hurt. I was covered in blood and scratches. I couldn't move. Even if i could, I was too tired. I just collapsed and fell asleep.  

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