Chapter 10

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Harry pov

I'm moving. Why am I moving? Actually, I'm not moving but the ground is moving. I looked around. I saw trees moving all around outside the cage. Louis was with me. He was sleeping in the corner of the cage. We were still in the cage. I heard an engine. We're in the back of a truck. I shook Louis awake.

"Where are we?" Louis asked.

"I don't know." I replied.

"We have to get out of here."

"Yeah, no shit, Sherlock." I said sarcastically. Louis shushed me as he fiddled with the combination lock. We opened the cage. Louis and I got out of the cage. We stood on the edge at the back of the truck. There were guns and animal traps back here.

"We have to jump." Louis uttered.

"Are you crazy?" I screeched. Louis' hand flew to my mouth.

"Be quiet." Louis whispered. I nodded. Louis held my hand. "At least you know you won't die." That was actually quite reassuring. Louis counted to 3 and we both jumped off. My face hit the forest floor. I scrambled to my feet.

We ran back to the house. The door was off the hinges. There was a dirty shoe print on it. Louis threw open his drawers. He took out a backpack.

"We can't stay here." Louis said.

"What? Why not?" I asked.

"That was Huntz's truck. The police will probably arrest us for something. Normal people don't have wolves caged up in their homes. We need to go. If we do get caught, the story is, 'we caught the wolves and were going to send them to the police in the morning'. Got it?" Louis explained, throwing a few sets of clothes into his backpack. He packed his ring in its box.

"I'm going to get to motorcycle ready." Louis said. He walked to the back of the house with his backpack on. Suddenly, Officer Knight and Officer Jackson burst into the house. I tried to run out but they restrained me.

"Harry Edward Styles, you are under arrest for unlawful possession of wild animals. Anything you say can be held against you." Officer Knight recited. They handcuffed me. I decided not to fight in case it got me into more trouble. I was led into a police car that was parked a few hundred metres away.. I heard a motorcycle engine starting. Officer Knight ran after Louis on the motorcycle but obviously failed to catch him. Louis managed to escape but he escaped without me.

I was brought into a police station. Officer Knight questioned me.

"I told you, Louis and I caught the wolves. We were going to turn them in but when we got back this morning, the wolves were gone and our door was broken." I said.

"So you just happened to have a cage big enough for two wolves?"

"Yes." I asserted.

"Okay. We're going to put you in a cell while we further investigate. You might have to be questioned again."

I just nodded. I was brought down the hall and through a door. I was led down a short corridor with prisoner's cells on either side. There were only about 4 cells since this wasn't where they kept sentenced criminals. Officer Knight unlocked a cell with another person inside.

"Wait, I can't stay in the same cell as him. I need to be alone." I said. If I had to stay here past dusk, I might kill this man. Officer Knight ignored what I had said. He just un-cuffed me and shoved me into the cell. I screamed and yelled but Officer Knight just walked back up the corridor. A security guard told me to shut up.

I saw a small hole in the wall with 3 metal bars over it. I picked up a rock from the ground and banged it against the bar. The rock clanged against the bars, releasing an irritating sound.

"Oi! Stop that!" The security guard scolded me. The security guard's uniform fitted him poorly. The hem on his shirt reached mid-thigh. His pants were evidently too tight for him, causing his belly to spill over the sides.

"Please I need to get out of here or at least get him out of here." I begged, pointing at the man that was in my cell.

"Um... RUDE?" The man commented.

"Too bad. Our other cells are full." The security guard said and walked off.

"Am I really that unbearable?" The man asked.

"No, it's not you." I started. I decided to spill the beans, just not the whole can. "I turn into a wolf during the night."

"Yeah, and I'm the president of the United States of America." He said, sarcastically.

"I'm serious. I'm gonna need to knock me out when I change so I don't end up eating you." I picked up a big stone from the floor of the cell and passed it to him.

"You're kidding, right?" The guy chuckled.

"No, unfortunately."

"Whatever you say." He leaned against the cell wall nonchalantly.

I rested my elbows on the brick wall. The uneven surface dug at my skin. I thought about Louis and if he abandoned me. He wouldn't, would he?

More or less, half an hour later, I heard the security guard yell at someone.

"Hey! Who are you? You're not supposed to be here."

"They didn't tell you? I'm the new guard. I'm joining you on your shift today." A familiar voice said. Where have I heard it before?

"Oh! Alright."

"Keys are over there. Don't let anyone get in or out. Easy enough?"


I looked out of the cell to catch a glimpse of who the guard was talking to but they were out of my line of sight. I only saw half of the new guard. He was tall enough to tower over the other guard. His clothes were a size too small for him. Baemorial really needs to get new uniforms for their police department.

The hands on the clock ticked as the minutes went by. I watched the clock outside my cell and groaned. I'm bored and stressed at the same time. Suddenly, I heard footsteps, running footsteps. The security guard yelled, The new guard told the security guard to give chase. An alarm went off. Red lights flashed. "Intruder alert," The announcement was made repeatedly in a monotonous tone. The new guard reached for the keys, hanging on the wall.

"Hey, buddy!" The new guard smiled at me. It was Zayn. He slotted a key into the lock.

"Zayn! How did y-?" I exclaimed.

"No time for chit chat." Zayn cut me off. He flung open the cell gate and let me out.

"Hey, what about me?" The other guy asked.

"Sorry, mate. I can't just let anyone out." Zayn said. He grabbed my wrist and we ran down the hall and exitted through the back of the police station.

"Go there." Zayn pointed at a petrol station as we dashed towards it.

"Thanks, Zayn." I said in between pants. "How did you know I was in trouble?"

"The cops are on my tail. We need to go now!" Louis arrived. He grabbed my arm and pulled me away.

"Bye, Zayn! Thanks for everything." I called out as I was being dragged off.

"Bye!" Zayn replied.

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