Chapter 11

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Harry pov

I got onto the back of Louis' motorcycle. We rode out of Baermorial. Louis drove off the road into some trees. He went on for a good fifteen minutes before he stopped the motorcycle.

"Why are we stopping?" I asked.

"We're changing soon." Louis replied. "Take off your clothes." He was already stripping.

"Okay. Where were we going?"

"Zayn found us a place." Louis handed me a crumpled piece of paper. "Don't lose it. He only gave us two. copies. The other one is in my backpack."

It was a map. There was a path marked out with a highlighter. At the bottom, Zayn wrote the address and postal code. The place was in the middle of almost nowhere. It was a centre for a group called Women Of Love and Faith. The "t" in "Faith" was the symbol of Jesus' cross.

"Zayn said he called the place already. They have someone waiting for us there."

"Louis, I don't understand. This is a Catholic-"

"The acronym." Louis said.


"We're about to turn. Meet me back here in the morning."

I woke up next to Louis. We walked back to the motorcycle. We got a bit lost on the way but we found it. We put on clothes. We followed our own tire tracks from yesterday back to the road. There we headed for WOLF.

We travelled for hours. We stopped to get some food and drinks and use the bathroom. We went down a small winding road. It was completely empty except for us. It must've been over an hour since we saw another vehicle.

We arrived at WOLF during the late afternoon. A young man, probably in his early twenties, with dyed blonde hair, greeted us. He introduced himself as Niall. He told us a little bit about how things ran in WOLF. They help werewolves from being discovered and they make sure all werewolves are in captivity before changing. Niall walked us down a hall. On either side, there were rooms like prison cells. Each cell has a combination lock. It was better than the cage, I guess. They provide food for the wolves so they don't get hungry.

"How much would this cost us?" Louis asked.

"$1000 a month for both of you, including food." Niall told us.

"That's cheap." Louis whispered to me.

Niall heard and commented, "We got donations from this billionaire whose daughter turned into a werewolf."

"How come you don't just call your organisation what it is?" I asked, out of curiosity.

"We don't want to out people as werewolves and most werewolves are female anyways. It's also very sketchy. Anyways, let me get some forms you need to fill out and, then, I'll show you your lockers. You can keep all your items in there."

After we filled out some forms, Niall showed us our lockers. Louis put his backpack into his locker. I didn't have anything to put in mine. Niall then showed us our "cells". There was the pungent smell of urine that wafted out of each cell as we passed them to get to ours. The combination on the lock of our cells are the same as the combination on the lock to our lockers. Each cell had a number on it. Mine was number 23. Louis' cell was right next to mine.

"You can interact with the other werewolves but it's getting late. You can socialise tomorrow. I suggest that you rest. There are beds on the fifth floor. Yours have the same number as your cells. There will be a bell approximately 10 minutes before dusk. When you hear the bell, get into your 'cells'. Okay?" Niall said.

Louis and I nodded.

"Are you a werewolf too?" I asked. Louis elbowed me and whispered, "Oh my god, Harry. You can't just ask people if they're a werewolf."

"No, I'm not." Niall said.

We were free to walk around the facility. I saw children as young as 5 years old. Niall was right. Most of the werewolves were female. I caught some of them checking me out. Louis noticed too. He shot daggers at them but I don't think they noticed.

"You jealous?" I smirked.

"Shut up." Louis shoved me gently.

"You are so jealous." I teased.

"I'm not jealous. Jealous means that I envy someone for what they have. They don't have anything I want. I'm territorial. I protect what's mine. That's something I picked up since becoming a wolf ." Louis said, winking.

I giggled, leaning my head on Louis' shoulder. It was a bit awkward because he's shorter.

We stepped into the lift. Louis pushed the button to the first floor.

"Niall said the fifth floor." I told Louis.

"Yeah, but I want to check out this place. I think I saw a playground." Louis said.

We went out to the playground. Louis and I sat on the swings for about an hour.

"Thanks for coming to get me." I said.

"What? Did you think I would leave you in the lurch like that?" Louis said, sarcastically.

I shrugged.

"No way, man! I love you too much."

I felt guilty. I honestly thought Louis had made me his scapegoat and abandoned me.

"I love you too." I replied. "How did you get Zayn to come? It's like 5 hours away."

"I called him to ask him to come and help. He was already in Baermorial. He came to tell you he found this place for you."

I nodded.

A bell chimed and we headed to our "cells". I actually don't quite like that term. It makes us sound like inmates and WOLF is just a prison.

Niall was there. "I went to look for you on the fifth floor but you weren't there. I forgot to tell you that you can't wear clothes when you change."

"Sorry, we went to the playground." I apologised.

"Okay. Be careful of the fence. Someone coated with silver last week as a joke -not a very funny one if I might add- and we still have yet to replace it. I don't even know how they could afford it." Niall sighed, shaking his head.

I instinctively rubbed the scar on my finger. I found it weird that werewolves can survive the harshest environments but simply brushing against a metal has the potential to kill us.

Harry wolf pov

I'm in a cage again. Why do I always end up in cages? This cage was different. It was big and spacious. It had 3 concrete walls and 1 wall with metal bars over it. The ceiling and floor were concrete too. I was alone in the cage. It was quite dark.

Suddenly a bright light blinded me. A slab of meat was thrown into the cage. I heard the squishy sound of meat being thrown onto the ground but I couldn't see anymore meat being thrown into my cage. I sniffed at it. It was sheep's meat.

I tore the meat into smaller pieces to share with Louis but I realised that he wasn't in the cage with me. I howled. I heard Louis howl back but so did at least 10 other wolves. I pressed my face against the metal bars. I heard the sound of something hitting metal, followed by Louis whimpering. I cried out to him. Louis howled back.

The lights went out again. Louis was probably going insane. I hear his claw scratching against the walls. He cried desperately to get out. I can smell the sheep meat in his cage. He barely touched it. I didn't eat mine either. I missed Louis too much to eat. I know he's nearby but I want him closer.

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