Louis' and Eleanor's backstory

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Louis pov

A wolf attacked Eleanor. I was too stunned to move. She screamed hysterically. I didn't budge. I heard a gunshot. I barely reacted.

The wolf ran off. Eleanor sat on the ground, grabbing her arm which was bleeding profusely.

"Louis! Don't just stand there." Eleanor screeched. "Why aren't you helping me?"

Another camper examined her bite. "It's not too deep. Just stop the bleeding, wash it and bandage it up."

I got the first aid kit and a bottle. I held Eleanor's arm and poured water over the wound. She flinched in pain. I took the bandages and wrapped carefully around her arm. "You're doing it wrong!" She whined. "I'll do it." Eleanor snatched the bandages out of my hand.

Eleanor didn't speak to me for the rest of the night. She went to bed early while I hung out with the other campers around the campfire. They all began to leave one by one to sleep. I was the last one left. I put out the fire and went into my and Eleanor's tent. I wriggled into my sleeping bag. Eleanor slept next to me. She pulled her blanket over her head.

"Hey El, I'm sorry about today." I apologised. I began to monologue, not even sure if she was listening. "I should've helped you. I hope you're not still mad. I don't like it when you're mad."

I heard her growl. "El?" I uttered. I pulled the blanket off her but what lay in the sleeping bag did not at all resemble Eleanor.

The wolf was asleep. I slowly got out of my sleeping bag and tried to move out of the tent. I stepped over my backpack carefully. As I lifted my other foot off the ground, I lost my balance. I fell directly on the wolf. It growled loudly and flashed its teeth at me. I was cornered in the tent. I trembled, not knowing what I should do. I was too afraid to scream in case it further provoked the beast.

The wolf inched towards me. Then, it lunged at me. It sank its teeth into my shoulder. I cried in pain. I pushed the wolf away from me. The silver ring on my left hand seared the wolf's face. It barked at me. I punch the wolf multiple times. The wolf gave up on fighting me. It ran out, tearing a hole in the tent with its claws.

I held my shoulder. Blood dripped from the bite. "Help! I'm wounded." I called out. A camper came out of her tent. I gripped the camper's arm, "Eleanor's gone. I can't find her anywhere. Please find her." I sought help desperately.

"Calm down." The camper said. "We'll find her."

The camper helped to bandage the wound on my shoulder. About 10 other campers went to search for Eleanor in the forest. They headed out in pairs, carrying torchlights. They each came back without Eleanor.

The next morning, I went to search for Eleanor. The other campers wouldn't let me go at night since it was dark and I was injured. I found Eleanor. She lay on the ground without any clothes on.

"Eleanor!" I ran towards her. Eleanor woke up. "Oh my gosh. How did you get out here?" I cried, holding her in my arms.

"I- I-," Eleanor stammered. Her body trembled vigorously. Tears started to fall from her face. I pushed her hair out of her face and cooed, "It's okay. You're alright now."

"Louis, I can't remember anything. I can only remember going to bed. Next thing I knew, I woke up here." Eleanor told me.

I looked at her. I noticed that her left cheek was dotted with scars. They resembled scars of branded farm animals. They were never there before.

"What's that?" I asked, touching her face.

"What's- what?" She looked at me confused.

"You have scars on your face." I observed. "You're the wolf, aren't you?"

Eleanor looked at me silently.

"You're the wolf that was in our tent last night."

"I- I don't know." Eleanor stuttered.

I noticed her arm. The bandage had fallen off. On her arm, there was skin. There was no blood. There were no scars. There wasn't even a scab. There was just skin. I rubbed my finger over her arm. Her skin was smooth and perfect, nothing like how it should look after being bitten by a wolf. "What the fuck is going on?" I cussed.

Eleanor burst into tears. "I don't know!" She screamed.

"The wolf! It has to be the wolf. The wolf bit you and you changed," I mumbled. "And you bit me and I'll change."

Suddenly, I was numb of feeling.

"What are we going to do?" Eleanor spoke softly.

"I don't know. We'll figure it out when we get home today. C'mon, let's go back to the campsite." I helped her up. I took off my coat and wrapped it around her body so she wouldn't be naked.

We hiked back to Baermorial. It wasn't that far away since we didn't go that deep into the forest. It was almost evening when we reached home.

Louis wolf pov

Blood. Flesh. Meat. Whatever.

I just want food.

I was trapped in a room. I scratched my way out through a wooden door. By then, hours had passed. I trotted along. I saw a guy. I was so hungry. I lunged at him. He tried to tackle me but he was weak. I dragged him behind a bush by his leg. He screamed in pain as I did and desperately tried to grab onto something.

I clawed at him, lacerating his torso. I bit his leg off. The sun rose before I could eat anything.

Louis pov

I woke up.

I was covered in blood. It wasn't my own blood. A body lay motionless next to me. A leg sat on the ground. There was blood everywhere. I took off, scared by what I had just saw.

I ran back home and slammed the door shut.

"Louis, you look-" Eleanor started to speak but I didn't let her finish.

I grabbed her wrist and looked her in the eye. "I killed someone."


"I don't know. I woke up. There was so much blood." I mumbled. "What should I do?"

"I don't know!" Eleanor scolded me. "This is all your fault. If you hadn't insisted on going on that dumb camping trip, none of this would've happened."

Tears streamed down my face. "I'm sorry." I said.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, Tomlinson! I'm still a fucking werewolf. You didn't even try to help me. You just stood there like the idiot you are. I hate you. You ruined my life!"

I stared at the ground. I couldn't face her.

"I'm breaking up with you." She said.


"That wasn't a question. I'm leaving." Eleanor barged out of the house. The door slammed sharply.

Just like that, she walked out of my life.

This is the last chapter. Thank you for reading. <3 There's a sequel to this book called Predator! Find it on my page. All the love xoxo

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