Chapter 13

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(warning: slightly sexual content)

Liam pov

Zayn asked me to show him to the toilet. Louis and Harry went to the field.

Zayn is cute. Actually, he's hot. No, he's both. Whenever I look at him, 3 words pop into my head.

Please be gay.

I waited outside the restroom for Zayn. I wondered why Zayn asked me to show him the toilet and not Harry. My question was answered when he pulled me into the janitor's' closet next to the restroom.

We were enveloped in darkness. A small sliver of light peeked in through the gap under the door, illuminating the stack of toilet paper next to me. The smell of detergent was almost suffocating. My body was pushed against Zayn. Zayn held the back of my head as he pressed his lips onto mine. I kissed back. I bit his lip, a little too hard. It bled slightly but it wasn't anything serious. I kissed his neck. His skin was warm and smooth. He leaned onto me. I lost my balance. I tried to hold onto something sturdy to steady myself. Instead, I ended up falling and knocking over a bunch of brooms. My back hit against the wall. I felt a small hard object on the wall. I pushed it. The lights flickered on, blinding me for a moment.

"Oh, there are lights in here." I remarked. Zayn and I chuckled.

I leaned in for another kiss but Zayn had his hand on his belt. He unbuckled it.

"Woah. No!" I exclaimed. Zayn's attractive and all but we were moving way too fast.

Out of nowhere, a high-pitched sound beeped and pierced into my ear. Zayn quickly buckled his belt. He grabbed me by my shoulders.

"Okay. I don't have much time. I just need you to listen. The police are coming to arrest Louis and Harry. There's a mic in my earring and a camera in my eye. The beep means it's off. You need to get them out of here. I can't do it because they're watching me." Zayn said impatiently.

"Wait, why are they wanted?" I was so confused.

Zayn told me about how the police thought they were keeping wolves in Louis' house.

"How'd you know they'd turn off the mic?" I asked.

"They said they'd turn it off if I wasn't dressed. I went to toilet to make sure."

"So, was all that kissing just for show?" I asked, disappointed. I felt dirty.

"No," Zayn mumbled and cupped my face, planting a sweet kiss on my lips. My heart fluttered.

This chapter is pretty short. Sorry.

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